On Saturday, Ryan and I celebrated our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY! It is so hard to believe that it has been a whole year already and at the same time it is hard to believe that it has ONLY been one year! Our wedding day was the most wonderful day ever, and I've already written about it on here, so I won't talk your ears off about it again, but I am going to put a couple (maybe a couple more than a couple... you know me...) of pictures on here because I don't think I ever did.
Our lives have changed so much in the last year. We finished two semesters of school, Ryan grew a beard, we finally got callings in our ward, we flew to Texas, we filled our house with furniture, we bought a car, we found out we were pregnant. You know, the typical adult married life stuff, but it's all new to us!
It's probably been the hardest year I've ever had, with school, and work, and figuring out that birth control and my mental health don't really mix well, unexpected expenses, morning sickness that isn't just mornings, and learning how to be part of an eternal relationship instead of just independent me.
It's also been the very best year I've ever had. I've learned so much at school, I've made friends at work, I quit taking birth control and we were blessed with a cute little parasite... baby, we have recognized over and over and over again how blessed we are financially and always have had exactly what we need, we found medicine to keep the morning sickness at bay, and our growing and strengthening relationship has taught me so much and has brought me so much joy.
It also doesn't hurt that I have the very most perfect husband in the world for me. Here are some examples of what makes me love him so so so much:
When I throw up, he doesn't just hold back my hair, he flushes the toilet so I don't have to see what just came out of me which might make me throw up more.
When we are walking around anywhere, he always just takes my purse and carries it for me without me ever having to ask.
He still lets me put my ice cold hands on his stomach or back to warm them up.
He tells me I'm beautiful and perfect on a regular basis, and refuses to let me convince him otherwise.
He buys me a two pack of Nutella every other week, and sometimes jokes about weaning me off of chocolate, but would never actually stop buying it for me.
He vacuums the carpet because he knows I hate vacuuming.
He never laughs at me when I'm crying, even the one time I cried because I didn't have any clean matching socks.
Even when he has to wake up at a ridiculously early hour, he will wake up to tell me it's alright when I'm having a nightmare (which is pretty often.)
He tries SO hard to stay awake when I'm talking his ear off at night, every night.
He almost always goes along with my silly ideas, because he loves to make me happy.
He will listen to me ramble on and on and on about every minute detail of what happened throughout my day, even when it just involves the weather, my homework, or how much water I drank during the day.
He laughs at my jokes and makes fun of me when I accidentally say something inappropriate.
I literally could not have picked a more perfect person to spend the rest of my life with. He's my best friend, my biggest supporter, my favorite person to tell everything, my best defender, my everything. I can't wait to see what the rest of eternity with him holds.