Monday, July 13, 2020

Strawberry Summer

I went to a strawberry patch with a friend and her mom once a loonnggg time ago, and it was so much fun and those strawberries were the best strawberries I had ever had. Since then, I've wanted to go to another patch or grow my own, but every year, strawberry season comes and goes and I remember afterwards that I want fresh off the plant strawberries. 

This year, however, has been different. I took Rose and Lucy to my grandparents house once in May and another weekend in June, and they have lots of strawberries that they saved for Rose to pick when we came. One of Rose's other grandparents ALSO has strawberry plants and raspberry plants that they saved just for when Rose visited to let her pick. And our upstairs neighbors planted a garden and said that Rose could have some of their strawberries too (but I exercise more control over her picking those ones because there aren't very many and Rose has a serious problem.) 

Now that Rose knows that strawberries grow on plants, she can spot them from a mile away. And she LOVES LOVES LOVES strawberries. (for a little while, all blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries were called strawberries.) If she could just eat fruit all day (and chocolate) she would be happy and perfectly content. 

Try to picture anything cuter than a two year old, or a bunch of little toddlers (her cousins) picking and eating strawberries, and then forgive me as you scroll for a very long time through a million pictures of Rose and her cousins doing just that. Because I have no self control when it comes to taking pictures of Rose. 

I hope your summer is even a smidgen as happy as Rose getting to eat all the red (and green...with the leaves still attached, she's not picky) strawberries her little heart desires.


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