Thursday, July 16, 2020

Lucy at Two and Three Months

Lucy hit her three month mark yesterday! Can you believe that? This Coronavirus makes time feel like it's flying by! And yet, I'm also not accomplishing hardly anything in all that time (except for keeping two little girls alive, which is a pretty big accomplishment I think.)
Anyways, this post isn't about my insecurities, it's about Lucy and what SHE is accomplishing! 

I didn't post anything about her turning two months so here are a few pictures of her that I took when she hit that mark. 

This one just kills me! <3 That physique! All the heart eyes!

Now onto three months! 

Lucy is SUCH a happy baby! She really just loves when anyone pays attention to her. She loves listening to Ryan's voice, she lights up when Rose comes into the room, and I can almost always get her to laugh by tickling her near her collar bone. 

Her favorite things are looking at the paper hearts I have on the wall, watching ceiling fans spin (unfortunately we don't have any), eating (of course),  gnawing on her fist like a popsicle, and getting her diaper changed. That last one is weird to me because Rose never liked getting her diaper changed (and still doesn't. She'll sit in a dirty diaper forever if we don't catch it.) If Lucy's diaper is even the tiniest bit wet she'll fuss and cry and then as soon as we lay her down to change her diaper she'll give you the biggest smile ever and act as if she's at the spa. She's weird. But at least her chances of getting a diaper rash aren't that high. 

She also loves to "stand." If you hold her up, she'll lock her legs and you can tell she is so proud of herself every time she does it. She loves feeling like a part of things. She phased out of the falling asleep on my chest part of a newborn really fast and I'm pretty bummed about it. Now, she can barely stand to let me burp her on my shoulder before she is done with it and ready to get a good look at what's going on around us. She just started cooing and I already mentioned that she laughs, but I didn't mention that it is the cutest thing ever. 

We all just adore her. She's the perfect addition to our family. <3 

Quilt made by: Sue Welch aka Grannie (my Grannie, Lucy's Great-Grannie)

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