I did a year reflection in
2013 and
2014, and I really enjoyed them, so I've decided I'm going to do it again. (Also, side note, I don't post very consistently, but it is blowing my mind that I've had this blog for over 5 years now!) The reflection is just a series of questions that I answer, and it's always a nice way to see what you've accomplished throughout the year and to remember some fun memories.
What did you do on your birthday, and how old did you turn?
This year it snowed on my birthday. D: It was actually very devastating, because if I lived in the south, I would never have to worry about that! However, Ryan put a lot of effort into making sure it was a great day for me and he succeeded, despite the snow. He started off the day by buying me those cinnamon toast Eggo waffles, which I love. Then when he left for work he filled my car up with nerd ropes because I like those, so when I went outside to confront the snow, my grumpiness was dampened with the joy of finding a car filled with nerd ropes. He came to see me at school and we had lunch together at The Creamery, and he told them it was my birthday. They don't give you anything free, but they wrote Happy Birthday on the tray, so that was nice of them. :) Ryan was going to surprise me with a trip to the Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point, but because of the snow we waited and went later in the week. Ryan is so good at listening when I mention things that I like or don't like or that I want to do, and then making an effort to make them happen for me. My birthday this year was great because of him. Also, I turned 23.

What are your strongest memories from this year and why?
I think I would have to say that my strongest memory from this year was giving birth to Rose. Giving birth has been one of my biggest fears for as long as I can remember. (Next to being kidnapped from my bed, my house burning down, or anything bad happening to any of my family members.) And little ol' me managed to make it through. It's amazing to me that I was able to conquer pregnancy and birth and now I feel like I can do anything. Also, I am SO glad to have the sweetest little baby in my life now because I did it.
What did you do this year that you had never done before?
See #2.
I didn't really do anything else crazy that I had never done before... I gave a baby a bath, which I'd never done before, and I received my bachelors degree... I went to Goblin Valley... oh and I used the wilderness as a bathroom for the first time.
What did you want and not get?
The only thing I can think of that I didn't get this year is Lightroom for my computer. But I have it on my phone and I keep choosing to use money for other things so I'm not really that upset. Other than that, I have everything I want. A good home, plenty of food, a good job, a wonderful husband, and a super cute baby girl. (If it was Ryan he'd probably say that he wanted a boy, but got a daughter instead. Don't let him fool you though, he's completely 100% smitten.)
What did you want and get?
A daughter. :) Also, Ryan got me lots of Nutella this year. (I have a stash of 6 large jars of it in my pantry.) Also, I really really really wanted to go to Lake Powell, and everything worked out so that we could go.
They were having a sale... |
What would you like to have next year that you didn't have this year?
This is funny, in 2014 I wished I had been asked on more dates. For next year I'm hoping to go on more dates with Ryan. It's actually one of our goals. I'm determined to get babysitters and everything.
Did you keep your New Years resolutions and will you make more for next year?
I didn't do so hot on my goals for 2018. I DID graduate from BYU, but I did NOT establish an exercise routine that I would be using by the end of the year. I did NOT read the Book of Mormon EVERY day, but I DID read through it 3 times this year, and I did better at reading almost every day than I ever have before (except when I was a missionary...). I did NOT stick to my goal of only using social media once a day and not at all on Sundays... But I DID take a total of about 20 days off of social media throughout the year... so that's... something. Also, I wanted to write in my journal once a week. Since writing my goals in my journal, I have written in my journal 5 times. Oops.
I DO intend to make more Resolutions for 2019 though. And my plan this year is to put a reminder on my phone that will remind me every 2 months or so to look at my goals and see where I'm at.
What was your biggest achievement this year?
I've written several blog posts about this, but this year there were 3 things that I felt were really big for me, and I feel like I've achieved a lot this year because of them.
I am really proud of myself for finishing my degree in April. I had to take 20 credits while in my last trimester of pregnancy in order to do it, while also working 10 hours a week, and I'm amazed that I was able to balance all of that.
I am also really proud of myself for giving birth to a little human being. 36 hours of labor is nothing to sneeze at. (Shout out to Krista for that phrase being added to my vocabulary.)
I am also proud of myself for putting myself out there and applying to Graduate School. 5 years ago I would have just decided to stick to being a stay at home mom and never going back to school again, but I feel like I have shown myself over and over again that I can do hard things and so even if I don't get in to the program I applied for, I was able to find a job working nights for experience, and I studied a bunch and did really well on the GRE, and I think those are big achievements as well.
I'm not trying to toot my own horn, but it's amazing to me to see how much growth I have made since graduating high school. It's important for me to acknowledge that so that I can continue to grow and progress.
What was your biggest failure?
I don't like this question because there are so many things that I am not good at and so many flaws that I have, but I would only be a failure if I gave up, and that's just not what I do. I think the biggest mistake I made this year would be spending too much time on my phone and not enough time reaching outside myself to serve others.
What did you rely on when you were overwhelmed?
My go to stress relievers are: chocolate, reading books, Instagram, and the best relief from feeling overwhelmed is a long hug from Ryan. I also tried mindfulness a little bit here and there and I really enjoy it.
What are your strongest recommendations for entertainment this year?
Ryan and I watched all of Friends, Psych (again), and almost all of Monk this year. Oh and we skimmed through The Office and Seinfeld. We really enjoyed all of those.
I also really enjoyed reading The Man's Guide to Women by John Gottman and How to Not Hate Your Husband After Kids by Jancee Dunn (Both are SUPER good and definitely worth reading if you are married.) ((Obviously a Family Studies major right here...))
What song will remind you of this year?
Anything by Tim McGraw and Faith Hill. We love them. Also, I made a CD for Ryan, for Father's Day, of country songs about Dad's and their kids. (Stealing Cinderella, He's Mine, Watching You, My Little Girl, I Pray for You, etc.)
What was your most enjoyable purchase?
For Father's Day I put together a "First Time Dad Starter Kit" for Ryan. I bought him a dark blue striped polo shirt, some khaki shorts (that are a little on the short side) and a fishing hat. I also made him a "Dad Jokes for Dummies" booklet. (I guess that's not a purchase) I think that was probably my favorite purchase because I was SO excited for him to open it and to laugh.
Did you travel? If so, where?
We went camping at Goblin Valley in March, which was super fun, but kind of cold.
We went camping at Navajo Lake in Southern Utah, which was also really fun.
We stayed on a houseboat at Lake Powell with my Aunt and Uncle for a week.
We hiked through Mt. Timpanogos Caves.
And then other than that we visited Cedar City, Brigham City, Logan, and Heber City here in Utah.
Obviously we stuck to Utah this year, but next year we're going to spread out a little bit more.
This one is for anyone reading this, are there any other questions you think I should answer? Or add on to this for next year?