Today was the Monday-est of Mondays I've had in a long time.
First of all, it was gloomy outside.
Second, Monday is laundry day (and I HAD to get it done because I didn't do laundry last week.... It is incredible how much laundry a small family of 3 can produce over a 2 week period...)
I got home from work at 6:30 am, and went to bed, but didn't sleep super great and woke up around 10 am (maybe 10:30). Rose normally takes a nap at 11, but I feel so bad putting her down for a nap at 11 when I don't get her out of bed until 10:30 on the days after I've worked, so I waited to put her down for a nap. However, we had an eye doctor appointment and laundry to get done, so I tried to put her down for a nap and it didn't work very well at all. She slept for about 45 minutes and I didn't get to sleep at all.
When she woke up, we ate lunch as quickly as possible (well, I did, she just played with her food and spit it out when I put it in her mouth. sigh.) and then lugged all our laundry to the laundromat. We were already running behind schedule so we threw the laundry in the washers as fast as possible and then headed right back to the car to head to the eye doctor.
Rose has a blocked tear duct so she always has a leaky eye. The purpose of this appointment was to determine the best route for treating it. What I thought would take at most 30 minutes, ended up being over an hour. And at this point we were nearing the window of time for Rose to take her second nap (aka my second opportunity to catch up on sleep before coming back to work tonight.) We rushed back to the laundromat, switched our laundry to the dryers (and said a prayer of thanks that our laundry wasn't that an irrational worry? Laundromats just seem so sketchy to me! But I guess I can't see someone wanting to steal loads of soggy laundry...). We had one last errand to run before heading home so I tried to get it done while our clothes were in the dryer. I needed to print a shipping label and mail a package before tomorrow so I drove to my brother's apartment to use his printer, then we drove to FedEx to mail our package, and then we drove back to the laundromat to pull our laundry out. We then lugged our heavy bag of laundry to the car (picture me, holding a baby in one arm and a large and poorly designed laundry bag in he other, laundry right now is DEFINITELY my least favorite chore.) and FINALLY got to go home.
We left the house at 2 pm, and didn't get home until after 5 pm. I was hoping to be home for 3:30 pm, so obviously my calculations of how long running errands would take were incorrect. By then it was too late to put Rose down for a nap if I wanted her to go to bed on time (so I could get to work on time) so the two of us just sleepily and grumpily stumbled through the rest of the day until Ryan got home. (Oh, and if you are wondering, I added it up and I buckled Rose in and out of her car seat 14 times today. So, if I disappear for a while it's because I am unwilling to leave the house or use that car seat any time soon.)
I wasn't the nicest wife to Ryan when he got home. However, lately, I've been trying to focus on the Savior in my studies of the scriptures, and especially this week as we lead up to Easter Sunday I want to focus on His Atonement and sacrifice for us.
I was going to title this blog post "What The Atonement Has to do with Mondays". And so, if you are wondering, I'm just going to say that I am grateful that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we get second chances whenever we need them. I had a gloomy and grumpy day and I took that out on Ryan, but tomorrow is a new day to try to be like Jesus, to show appreciation for His Gift to us, and to try again. His sacrifice isn't just for the really big mistakes we make, it's for the daily little ones too. And I'm so glad that I can start over every minute of every day if I need to to try to be more of the person He wants me to be.
Also, I'm so grateful for a husband who loves me even when I'm a grump and a baby who forgives me for leaving her in her crib a little too long two mornings a week. I am SO blessed.