Friday, October 23, 2020

Lucy Goosey

This blog post has been in my drafts for a while now... it started as "Lucy at 4 Months" and then turned into "Lucy at 4 and 5 months" and then turned into "Lucy at 4, 5, and 6 months" but now Lucy has been 6 months for a week and I also have a draft titled "Lucy's Baby Blessing" that is almost 2 months overdue.... So, I guess this is what a second child gets, an overview of the last 3 months because mom is not very good at updating her blog regularly. And I'm so bummed that I haven't kept track either because I love seeing when they hit each milestone! But I'll see what I can pull out from my foggy mom brain memories and do the best I can! 

Lucy at 4 months: (I actually took pictures on the right day for this one!)

When Lucy hit 4 months, we were in Alaska. She was such a trooper while we were staying with Ryan's cousins! She slept horribly because she and Rose were sharing a room with us so I put her to bed at 8 when Rose went to bed and I think that threw everything off for her...and she slept on a stack of blankets on the floor and I guess she wasn't a fan of that sleeping situation. She did, however, sleep through the night amazingly well both times we went camping. So, she must like sleeping in cold Alaskan evening temperatures... or the tent is soothing to her? Who knows. Babies don't make any sense. 

You can see from that last picture that she clearly eats well. haha 

She loves when people pay attention to her, she is a very happy and smiley baby and loved all the attention Ryan's cousins gave her. 

She figured out how to sit up in the bumbo seat while we were in Alaska too. 

Okay, that's all I remember. Sorry Lucy!

We had Lucy's baby blessing at Ryan's Dad's place when we got back from Alaska on August 30th. We had lots of family that were able to make it including my parents from Texas. (I kind of loved having the blessing in a home rather than in sacrament meeting. Thanks Covid!) It was wonderful being surrounded by family and having yummy food. Lucy is so loved! 

Oh, also Covid pushed back our original plan to have Lucy blessed in June so by the time she wore the blessing dress (that I wore when I was blessed) I was concerned she wouldn't fit. But she did! (barely.) I'm so glad it finally worked out so both our dads and my grandpa could be there. Except... somehow I never did get a picture of any of them... so I guess we'll have to try again next time. 

Lucy at 5 months: (These pictures of her sitting at the table holding a teaspoon are the only pictures I managed to get on the exact 5 month mark. But the others are from a few days later and I just die looking at them.) 

Yes, these last two pictures are the same one, but those eyes! How could anyone decide between color OR black and white. Both are SO captivating! 

Lucy is just the sweetest little baby. She loves Rose, and almost always calms down when Rose talks or sings to her. (The times she doesn't are when Rose decides that what Lucy needs is to be squished flat by a very energetic two year old who doesn't have boundaries.) 

She has the squishiest cheeks and thighs that I squeeze and kiss all day long and she has the prettiest eyes that are starting to turn brown on the inside. She started sleeping a little better at this point and takes decent naps. She definitely started teething, so she was a little bit grumpier than usual, and just wanted to be held and have a little more love. But who doesn't?

She learned to roll over after we got back from Alaska so I put away her sleep sack thing and now she just sleeps in footy pajamas. 

Lucy at 6 months: 

Still has the prettiest eyes and eye lashes and the squishiest cheeks and thighs. She also now has TWO bottom teeth. Which are so adorable when she smiles... but she smiles less because of them. She bit me a few times while feeding so we had a few unpleasant days where neither of us was very fond of the other... but it looks like we've overcome that roadblock for the most part. Unfortunately her mouth still seems to bother her. Teething is rough! Poor thing. 

She moved to her own room as soon as we got a mattress for her (the first week of October). and we are ALL sleeping so much better now because of it. I've slept in too late several times probably because my body is catching up on the last six months of sleeping horribly. 

She's very talkative and can roll across a room in no time now. She sees something she wants and she rolls right over to it. It's normally something dangerous like cords or plastic though so I'm going to have to start baby proofing again. But we have a good collection of toys to distract her from the dangerous things. And Rose's big sister syndrome is starting to kick in so I can often find her saying "Yuuuucy! You can't play with dat!" 

I can't believe she is already 6 months old! I can't wait to see what else God has in store for her! <3 

Friday, October 16, 2020

Warburton Family Pictures

With Emily being on her mission until this past January, my family hasn't had new family pictures in a while. Probably about 3 years? Since the last time we took pictures, Jared has gotten married and Ryan and I have had two kids, so it was obviously time for us to get new ones. These were kind of a last minute decision so I'm really glad that they turned out as nice as they did! Ryan's sister Tressa came with us to take the entire family pictures and then Ryan or I took the rest of them. I also took a few senior pictures of Carson because this is his last year of high school (!!!!). My parents came to drop Emily off at school in August/September and stayed for a couple weeks. We took the pictures at Rock Canyon (my favorite place to take pictures). 

A few thoughts on the pictures: 
Is Carson the coolest Senior you've ever seen or what? 
And my mom is the cutest grandma! So is my dad, but I'm obsessed with the pictures of them with Rose and Lucy. 
The pictures at the end of Rose and Ryan are so cute because Emily earlier in the week had taken Rose on a walk and taught her the whole "he loves me, he loves me not" with flower petals thing and so we tried to see if Rose remembered and she said "I love me, I love me, I love me, I love me." as she pulled the petals off one by one. She's so adorable!