For instance, the sink is full of dirty dishes. Sigh. And having finals to study for and papers to write has been a really great excuse for not doing them. Now, I'm sitting at home with nothing on my to do list... so it's probably time to do the dishes.
Another example, for the last 8 months I've been making dinner maybe once a week (if Ryan is lucky). But today when he left he mentioned eating dinner and I asked him "I suppose that means you want me to make dinner, huh?" and he said "yes." No excuses now. :(
Also, when people ask me if I'm ready for the baby to come, I tell them I don't have time to think about it. I had to finish school first, then I could worry about that. So, I suppose that now is probably the time for me to start worrying about that big life change that is coming up. And making sure I'm ready for her arrival.
However, since today is my first day of freedom, I'm going to continue to put off worrying about those things. Instead, for this blog post I'm going to tell you about my past week. Because it was a good one. :)
I turned 23 on Tuesday. :) And Ryan spoiled me, like the wonderful husband that he is. :)
I was a little grumpy to begin the day. I prayed and prayed that it wouldn't snow like the weather forecast was saying it would. However, somebody more faithful than me must have been praying harder FOR the snow, because snow it did. (And not ONLY did it snow. it was supposed to snow all night and be done by 10 am, when I woke up there wasn't any snow so I prayed a thank you prayer for not letting it snow and literally 10 minutes later it started snowing buckets!... -_-)
Luckily, Ryan bought me cinnamon toast eggo waffles (delicious!) for my birthday breakfast. And then he filled my car up with nerd ropes, which I love. So, my little shoulder Negative Nelly and Positive Pollyanna were fighting to see who would win my emotions. (Would I succumb to the grumpiness the snow was causing me ON MY BIRTHDAY IN APRIL? or would I choose to laugh because my husband got me 24 nerd ropes and scattered them all over my car?) They tussled back and forth. My emotions are a little wacky these days so I was torn between crying and laughing.
Walking to my first class of the day, I was a little sad and gloomy. I tried to be mad at God. I told Him that I wanted to be mad at Him for making it snow on my birthday, (I was also late to class, so I was feeling a little stressed) and He didn't make the snow stop but He did sort of turn back time because even though I was 5 minutes late to class, I got there just in time. He also had the bell tower start playing a hymn that reminded me of how much God loves me. (The bell tower hasn't played a song at 9:30 once this entire semester, but God knew I needed it that day.) So, anyways long story short, even though God made it snow on my birthday, and didn't make it stop despite my many prayers, He did let me know in other small ways that He was aware of me and loves me. Which was a nice little birthday present.
Ryan came and took me out to lunch during my break between classes at the BYU Creamery. Then I went to more classes, got ice cream with my brother and sister, and went home. Ryan and I watched a chick flick, Hitch, and then went out to dinner and then came home. He was going to take me to the Thanksgiving Point Tulip Festival, but because of the snow that morning (which, by the way was gone by this point), it was pretty chilly outside, so we decided to go on Thursday instead.
The Tulip Festival was really fun, Ryan makes everything fun though. :)
I'm not pleased with how much it costs, ($20 a person just seems like too much!) The Tulips were beautiful but there weren't nearly as many as I was expecting. (Is it unrealistic to expect Holland's fields of tulips here in Utah? haha) It was still lots of fun though, we got to feed some fish, see a couple antique tulips, look over a crazy tall waterfall, and wander through an exhibit of incredible statues of Christ and different scenes from His life. (That exhibit should be free because I think everyone should go see it!) We finished off by stopping at a concession booth for the most horrible frozen lemonades ever. I'm pretty sure it was straight sugar. We both lost our desire for sugar anytime soon (which is really saying something! We both LOVE sweets!) ((If you go to the Tulip Festival do not be tempted by the concession stand. It's not worth it! by that point you're almost to the end, just get real food instead!))
The rest of the week I just finished my finals. I took two tests on Friday, one test on Saturday and my last test today.
On Friday, I was really excited to come home and not do anything, but I got a migraine while at the grocery store on my way home, and I don't know if this is normal for other people, but when I get a migraine, before the actual headache comes my vision goes funny for about half an hour. I don't get migraines very often (in fact, just that morning I was thinking how nice it was that I hadn't had a headache in a couple months! There goes God with His sense of humor again!) I promised Ryan that I wouldn't ever drive while my vision is weird before a migraine, so I had to wander blindly through the grocery store picking up everything I needed and then took a nap in the parking lot until my vision came back to normal. Then I drove home and wandered around the house with all the lights off like a weirdo and took a nap until Ryan got home. I did at one point get up to make dinner for him. (I don't know why he wants dinner tonight! I already made dinner TWICE in the last week! ;) ) but for some reason, pregnancy just makes me abnormal because I ended up throwing it all up. I only cried a little bit. Not too much. It's just unfortunate that I was able to go 13 years without ever throwing up, but here I am 8 months pregnant and throwing up again. (It's been a few months so I shouldn't really complain, but who likes throwing up???) Anyways, that's probably tmi, but I was bummed about it, so I'm just going to tell the world that pregnancy is not kind to the human body, (physically or emotionally) so I'm thinking we should vote to have men and women take turns. Is anyone with me?
Enough of that, besides my birthday, finishing classes and finals, and throwing up, not much else is new. I'm 36 1/2 weeks along in my pregnancy, so it's getting really close. Don't ask me if I'm ready yet. I probably won't be until she's a teenager (who knows if I'll be ready by then either!)
I'm feeling huge these days. |
Also, another fun fact that I wanted to share with the world that means absolutely nothing to you, is that I added up all the papers I've written since getting home from my mission (in August 2016), and I counted 52. So, feel free to let me know how awesome I am if you get the chance.
That's all I have for today. Tomorrow I'm going to wander around campus and have my sister take pictures of me in my cap and gown. I'll post those at some future point in time.
Until then, enjoy the pictures from this last week, and enjoy my totally unimportant thoughts about life and school and pregnancy. This blog is mostly for posterity, so if you read these every time I post them and wonder why you put yourself through them every time, feel free to stop reading my blog posts, it won't hurt my feelings. For those of you who for some reason enjoy reading them, thank you! :)
I hope you all have a wonderful week!
Also, here are a few other photos that have nothing to do with what I talked about, but because it's been two weeks since I last wrote a blog post, I need to put them somewhere.
I made these beautiful cinnamon twists for breakfast the other day, and I was so proud of them that I had to take a really good quality photo of them. |
It snowed the week before my birthday and I was mourning the sad little tulips that were being crushed by the horrible snow. |
Congrats Kinsey, you did it. You finished all your finals, now on to graduation!!!