(I know, you are probably thinking, "Why does this matter?" Sigh, it just does. I think I have a fear of forgetting things. I take millions of pictures. I post them on Facebook, Instagram, I back them up on Google drive AND on an external hard drive. I have a study journal, a regular journal, and my blog. This blog is the easiest way to combine all of that into one...so, there you go. That's why I have to write about my last two weeks.)
Two weekends ago, we drove up to Brigham City to stay with my family and to go to Peach Days. This blog post has been a draft for two weeks titled "Peach Days". Ryan and I were going to put Rose to bed at my aunt's house and then go to the Peach Days carnival on our first date in months. And because she was already asleep there would be no rush to go back because no one needed to watch her or calm her down and she didn't need to eat. I had visions of romantic pictures by the Ferris Wheel and eating cotton candy and just having a wonderful time. (We went on one of our first dates to Peach Days about two years ago, and I was hoping it would be terribly romantic and nostalgic.)
I only got one picture at Peach Days this year... and it's not a very good one, because Ryan had a headache and wasn't very cooperative. (Shocker, I know... Ryan is always so willing to get his picture taken... ;) haha)
This blog post is important, because hopefully next time we are in Brigham City around Peach Days we will remember to just bring cash for the games and only go in the morning before all the annoying high school students and beer come out.
Other than Peach Days being a bit of a bummer, we had a great weekend.
On to the next item of business...Chocolate.
Krista, my friend, texted me a few weeks ago to tell me that National Chocolate Day was on Thursday, September 13th, and asked if I'd like to make/eat chocolate cake with her that day. Nobody in their right mind would ever turn down an invitation like that, so OF COURSE I said I would love to. We made the most beautiful chocolate cake I have ever laid my eyes (or mouth) on and had tons of fun. Rose was a little bored by the time we were done and was mad at me for making chocolate cake for myself when it is obviously my job to feed her/pay attention to her/meet her every want and desire first and foremost. But little does she know, that I am sacrificing myself for her, by eating this chocolate cake, I am making sure she gets the proper nutrients that she needs as my offspring. (The women in my family thrive off chocolate, and for now she'll just have to live vicariously through me.)
This is a funny picture I got of her while we were making the cake. She was bored. |
I took the most professional pictures of the cake I possibly could, because a beautiful cake deserves the time taken to capture how beautiful it is. Here they are:
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Okay, last few things I have to share:
- On Thursday night, after the cake, I went to a Relief Society Garden Party that was "Decade's" themed. I'm on the committee, so I had to dress up. I forgot about it until that morning though, so I had to figure out something that wouldn't look completely awful. I decided it would be easiest to ask my mom how she dressed in high school, so it would be more authentic. I couldn't quite manage it because it's difficult to give uncooperative, thin, flat hair a perm without getting a perm, but I was determined, so I did my best.
Maybe I really will get a perm. ;)
Last thing:
Over the weekend, Ryan and I had some time to just relax and do whatever we wanted (as long as it was mostly free), so we went to the farmers market. I think I need a new farmer's market buddy because Ryan always walks super fast past the first half of the booths which have all the things I want to look at and the samples (he won't eat the samples because he says it will just make him hungry, but I LOVE samples.) and then stops at the stuff at the end and wants to buy things we don't need like MORE giraffes ("But THIS one is from Africa, Kinsey!"). This time on the way there we decided that whoever saw the most yellow cars would get cotton candy. (He was teasing me because he was way ahead of me and he knows that cotton candy is one of my weaknesses, and I would be devastated if we got cotton candy for him and not for me.) Jokes on him though, because the cotton candy booth was probably at one of the many other festivals going on in Utah this weekend. :)
We ended up not buying anything because we are poor and went to Home Depot to find our "true color." (This comedian jokes about not being black, but "chocolate indulgence". It's a funny video and a fun idea.) We found out that I am not "White" but actually "Paper Heart." Ryan is not "Tan" but actually "Artist's Copper." Lucky for me "Paper Heart" was just slightly closer to my skin color than "Pumpkin Essence" because who wants to be described as "Pumpkin-y"???
Then, miracle of all miracles! Home Depot had FREE cotton candy and hot dogs. That's a food miracle if I ever saw one! (I love cotton candy!) Ryan just shakes his head at me, but he loves me and puts up with me despite my quirks and love of free things. I am so lucky. :)
So, there you go. That's our last two weeks. And don't forget (this goes for me too) to keep noticing your simple joys. Have a great weekend!
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