Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Happy Holidays!

It looks like the last part of my last post was what happened. Except, I am writing a post right now. (Progress!)
I just finished my first semester at BYU. It turns out I had nothing to worry about! These past four months have been the best of my life. I have so much to share so I am just going to make a list of advice that I have for people who will be starting at BYU. Here it is:

1. Don't worry too much before you leave. Everything will be okay. I promise.
2. Crying is okay for a little while. But don't cry too much. (It is your choice whether you are happy or not. CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY.)
3. Do NOT pack as much as I did... you will regret it if you are forced to move all of your stuff in the middle of the year.
4. If you are driving, bring a big, huggable stuffed animal. They make a great pillow, traveling companion, crying shoulder, friend, listening ear, and something to calm your childlike heart. (Nothing is scarier, or makes you feel smaller than going to do something when you don't know what to expect. Stuffed animals help. It's scientifically proven.)
5. Go to Freshman Orientation. They give you maps, freebies, advice, and a tour of campus. You will need that tour.
6. Y mountain is East.
7. BE SOCIAL! People at BYU don't judge (at least most don't), they are friendly, they are nice, they are fun. You will make so many friends and they will be some of the best people you will ever meet. However, you have to go out and meet them, you cannot just expect them to come to you.
8. Love your roommates. You will be stuck living with them for a year and you will enjoy it a lot more if you like them. (I have one other roommate who refuses to be in our pictures, but I love her also.)
9. Have hope. The boys at BYU are SO much better than high school boys.
10. Don't become a chocolate addict like me...
11. Food seems to go bad faster in college. Only buy what you are POSITIVE you can eat fast enough. (Also, go through your fridge every once in a while. Bad food is really gross when you discover it.)
12. Go to all your church activities.
13. Go to the devotionals.
14. Go tunnel singing Sunday nights. (or at least go until it's too cold to go.)
15. Appreciate the beauty around you. BYU is one of the prettiest places I've ever been and, this is especially true in Winter, if you focus on how beautiful the snow is you won't think about how cold it is as much.
16. Do not worry about what people think about you, there is no point. (This one is hard for me, but it is something I am working on.)
17. When you go to dances let loose, have fun, and DANCE. You will have SO MUCH FUN.
18. Do not worry about the cold. If a Florida girl like me can handle it, you can. (Get yourself a good pair of snow boots, a snow jacket, gloves, a few scarves, and fuzzy socks. You'll be fine.)
19. Wear something over your ears if it is really cold outside. You won't regret it.
20. Eat some fruit.
21. Email your mom every week or call her.
22. Have some fun, don't spend all of your time studying.
23. If you are invited, play fugitive. Even if you know that you can't run fast enough to get away from the cops, or you can't run fast enough to catch a fugitive.
24. Follow the honor code.
25. Join a service group. (I did Kids on the Move and Paint a Wish.)
26. Go to Family Home Evening.
27. Invite people over for dinner sometimes.
28. Remember that EVERYTHING happens for a reason, you won't always know what that reason is, but there is a reason. Sometimes your trials will teach you something, sometimes they will prepare you, sometimes they will put you in the way of other blessings... whatever it is, look for the positive and know that you can make it.
29. Again, be optimistic, look for the positives.
30. Remember that Heavenly Father won't give you anything that you can't handle, and He will always be here to listen to you, to walk beside you, to lift you up, to help you out. You just have to ask.
31. If you need help you can always talk to your bishop. He will listen to you.
32. If you feel like you need a blessing, don't ever be afraid to ask your home teachers.
33. MOST IMPORTANTLY remember: You are important. You are beautiful. You are wonderful. You have many talents. Your Heavenly Father loves you so much and made you exactly the way you are.

I was so worried before I came to BYU. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to take care of myself. I was afraid I wouldn't make friends. I was afraid my roommates would hate me. I was afraid my classes would be too hard. I didn't have any reason to worry though. This place is wonderful. They want you to succeed just as much as you want to. Don't be afraid to ask for help or for advice. Come with an open mind and a prayer in your heart. You will have a wonderful time and you will grow so much.
Merry Christmas! :)
- Kinsey 

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