Friday, January 2, 2015

2014 Reflection

I did this last year, and I think I'd like to do it again. So, here goes it.

1. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?

My birthday this year was so fun! I started 11 pm the night before playing ultimate frisbee. I didn't have classes that day because it was a Reading Day (The days given to study for finals. Ha! Who studies?) Throughout the day I: had a picnic with my roommate, Krista, played soccer, went to Great Harvest Bread Company, fed the ducks including some absolutely adorable baby ducks, ate some cake, got some giraffe jewelry, spent time with some of my best friends, and just had a wonderful day all in all. I turned 19.

2. What are your strongest memories from this year and why? 

I think this year the strongest memories are from all the goodbyes I've had to say. At the end of Winter semester I said goodbye to almost all the friends I made my first year at BYU because they were leaving. Then at the end of the summer I had to say goodbye to my family again. Then I had to say goodbye to my cousin, Levi, who is one of my best friends because he left on his mission. Then I had to say goodbye to all the friends I made this Fall semester because I decided to go on a mission. Goodbyes are hard for me because I have a large capacity of love and care. Somehow I keep meeting people to care about and I keep thinking my heart is full and can't love anymore, until I meet someone else to care about. As soon as it hits me that I won't see my friends and family for a long time my heart aches. This year I felt a lot of that.

3. What did you do this year that you'd never done before?  

I  went on a cruise. I went parasailing. I went hiking (Zion, Angels Landing, Willard Peak, Bridal Veil Falls). I sang in front of my friends. I decided to go on a mission. I saw the lights at Temple Square. I cut 13 inches off my hair and donated it. I talked to a ton of strangers and made a lot of friends. I bore my testimony in sacrament meeting. (TWICE) I spoke in front of about 200 girls. I went through the temple. I went sledding for the first time. I went to Idaho. I went out of the country for the first time. I swam with Dolphins.

 4. What did you want and get?

I got another lens that takes beautiful pictures.
A mission call to the Washington Tacoma mission.
My first White Christmas. 

5. What did you want and not get? 

This is lame, but I wish I had been asked on more dates. But that's okay. :)

6. What would you like to have next year that you didn't have this year?

More faith. More courage.

7. Did you keep your new year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?

You know what, last year I wrote resolutions and then never looked at them again, but I just went back to look at that blog post ( click here ) and I SO DID keep them. I'm not perfect, but I totally completed my 365 photo project, and I was more openminded, and I was happier, and I exercised more, and I was way more outgoing and confident. The only thing that I didn't do as well on was painting more. But that's okay!

8. What was your biggest achievement of this year?

Hmm. I couldn't tell you. I passed my classes, I worked enough to pay for my schooling up until this point, I decided to go on a mission, I was way more confident. I think my biggest achievement was the inner growth I made this year. I am so much better at doing what I think is right, and at liking myself for exactly the person I am, and for not caring as much what other people think.  That's a huge achievement for me and it's fun to look at myself now and compare myself to the girl I was 3 years ago. 

9. What was your biggest failure?

I don't think I had any huge failures this year. I let my frustration get the best of me sometimes, but not very often. 

10. What did you rely on when you were overwhelmed?

Chocolate, making lists, talking to my roommates, listening to music, and towards the end of the year I started running when I started feeling too stressed.

11. What are you strongest recommendations for entertainment from this year?

Most of the free books on Kindle are not worth reading. Authors like to make us mad.
My favorite movie that came out this year was Maleficent. But I didn't watch very many new movies. I mostly watched chick flicks with my roommates and loved those. Some of our favorites are: Leap Year, anything with Sandra Bullock (While You Were Sleeping, Miss Congeniality, The Proposal, The Blind Side), and How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. 

12. What song will remind you of this year?

Some songs that my roommates and I dance to: Shake it off, Blank Space both by Taylor Swift, Lose Yourself by Eminem, Once Upon a Dream (From Maleficent) by Lana Del Ray.
Some songs that Levi (my cousin) and I love: All About that Bass by Meghann Trainor and Dark Blue by Jack's Mannequin.
Songs that I listened to on repeat while running out my frustrations: Something in the Water by Carrie Underwood and Chandelier by Sia. 

(Don't judge me, I prefer country, and pretty alternative music, but these ones are the songs that got stuck in my head and that I danced to with my friends.)  

13. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year? 

I don't know this one. This year has been good, it's been fun, it's been happy, it's been a little bit more work, it's been a little bit less sleep, and a little bit surprising. Those aren't song lyrics, but I think it sums up my year pretty well. 

14. What was your most enjoyable purchase?

Ice cream. I bought quite a bit of ice cream. But it never failed me. (Are you wondering what the best flavors at the Creamery are? I knew you were. They are: Coconut Joy, Raspberry and Cream Cheese, Strawberry Sundae Crunch, and German Chocolate Crunch. You're welcome.) 

15. Did you travel? If so, where?

I spent time in Texas (Round Rock), in Utah (Provo, Brigham City, Salt Lake City, The Great Salt Lake, The Spiral Jetty, Zion National Park, Antelope Island, Lake Powell, Springville), Idaho (Bloomington, and Blackfoot), Florida (Oviedo/Chuluota, Key West), and the Grand Cayman Islands.

16. What do you wish you'd done more of?

I wish I had taken even more opportunities to have adventures. 

17. What do you wish you'd done less of?

Waste time.

18. Compared to this time last year, how are you different? 

I'm braver. I'm tougher. I'm a little more organized and a little more mature. My testimony is stronger. I pray a little bit more. I have bigger plans for myself than I did a year ago. My hair is shorter. I like vegetables.

19. Compared to this time last year, how are you the same?

I'm still 5 foot 2. My name is still Kinsey. I still love BYU. I still love chocolate. I don't like potatoes. My favorite color is green. I love my church. 

20. What's a life lesson you learned this year?

  • Heavenly Father truly does hear and answer my prayers.
  • Tender mercies are all around, you've just got to look up.
  • If you are ever faced with the choice of ice cream or no ice cream, choose ice cream. 
  • Try new ice cream flavors, it might surprise you.
  • DANCE even if people are watching! 
  • Take the opportunities you get to do fun things. Those are the memories that will stay with you forever.
  • Family is important. And family includes all those people who you would do absolutely anything for, the ones who hold a giant chunk of your heart in their hands. Like these people right here:


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