Saturday, December 20, 2014

Another Ending.

Today was my last day at BYU until August 2016. It's a hard thing for me to do. I love that place with all my heart. The past year and a half have been the very best years of my entire life, I have never been happier. I have never felt as good, and as wonderful as I do there. Walking through campus, going to classes, going to church feels just right.

I know I am about to start another wonderful and amazing chapter of my life, but right now I am still a little bit sad that I have had to say goodbye to all of the friends I have made in the past semester.

I am especially sad that I have had to say goodbye to my roommates from this past semester.

I really have had the most fun in the world with these girls. They are all so amazing, talented, and kind.

Ashley is sassy and hilarious and is never afraid to say what needs to be said.
Hope always surprises me with all her different sides. She is so talented and down to earth and always knows what to do in any situation.
Krista is my best friend in the world. She knows me better than anyone else and will always be there for me. I love her.
Rebecca is a saint. She is the most selfless and generous person ever. She knows when people are sad or down and finds a way to cheer them up in the simplest ways. For example, the other day I was feeling down and untalented and within half an hour she had written down a list of some of my talents for me and wrote me a sweet note at the end. She also is the best listener.
Camille is smart and dedicated and when she decides to learn how to do something, she learns it. She is also extremely generous and always prepared.

This past week has been so hard for me as I've tried to prepare myself for saying goodbye to them. I love them like sisters and I wish I could just bring them along with me on my mission.

Sadly, I cannot, but I know they will always be here for me, so that makes it okay, we will always be friends, no matter how far apart we are.

Also, I wrote this poem for them and left it on the door when I moved out. I wrote it at 3:30 AM the other night/morning when I couldn't sleep so don't judge it, but I thought it was pretty good.

There once was a girl,
Her name was Kinsey,
She loved her roommates,
More than fish love the sea.

She had to leave,
To serve the Lord,
For eighteen months,
To serve the Lord.

It broke her heart,
To say goodbye,
Since she loved them so much,
It made her cry.

The week before,
She cried each night,
And woke up some mornings ,
With tears in her sight.

She was so very grateful,
For such wonderful friends,
Who loved her and served her,
With love that never ends.

So thanks, beautiful,
Sisters of mine,
You've been like my family,
For a short amount of time.

I love you so much,
please don't forget about me,
When I come back home,
We'll have to catch up in a jiffy.

We'll watch sweet movies,
And dance all night,
To fun silly music,
And all will be right.

We'll write funny poems,
We'll sing out loud,
We'll laugh till we cry,
And walk unique from the crowd.

We'll always be close,
Because that's what best friends do,
Because that's what we are,
So, for now, until later, I'll say adieu.

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