Friday, January 5, 2018

Half Way

For anyone who has seen me lately (and maybe even more so for those who haven't), this may come as a shock to you, but I am more than half way through this pregnancy! I hit 21 weeks this past Wednesday.

I always thought that I would want to be the kind of person to post those week by week pictures of my belly bump, but it hasn't really been very noticeable until recently. Even now you can't really tell. Which is mostly just because I wear sweaters and warm, comfortable clothing. But today, before school starts again and things get really crazy, I decided to take a picture so that you could see that I really am pregnant, there really is a human being growing inside me, and she really is coming in May. (Hopefully, not any sooner than that.)

I know this isn't really that impressive of a bump, but I promise there is a baby in there! 
What kind of information am I supposed to share with these updates? I feel like I have family members that will be upset with me if I don't post occasionally, so I'm trying to be better. But what kinds of things do people want to know?

I can feel her kick now. She mostly kicks me when I lay on my stomach or wear tight pants, I think she gets annoyed at me for squishing her. I went to way too many stores for Christmas shopping and now I have very little desire to go to the store, but I'm trying to convince myself to put in the effort to go and buy at least one pair of maternity pants. Until then, baby will probably keep being frustrated with me for squishing her. At the doctors office today, my doctor was checking her heartbeat and she kicked his little microphone thing. I'm starting to think that she might be a little feisty. Or she just doesn't like when people get in her personal space. (Although, I don't feel like she has any reason to get upset because I am the one here who has a little human getting all up in my personal space! ...Now that I think about it, she probably gets that trait from me. Does anyone else think it's strange that people all of a sudden feel super comfortable touching your stomach when you become pregnant?)

It's been a whole week since I threw anything up, so I think that's a good sign. Now I'm just working on getting my appetite back. Right now, only a few things sound appetizing to me. Cinnamon toast, anything with homemade coconut syrup on it (pancakes, waffles...), Nutella (of course. This baby may possibly come out with one of those drug addictions, but it won't be drugs, it will be chocolate.), jell-o, and quesadillas. I am starting to feel more comfortable in the kitchen again, so I'm hoping to muster up enough motivation to make a real dinner tonight for Ryan when he gets home. We got an instant pot for Christmas, so I'm going to try that out tonight and see how it works. (If it really cooks frozen meat in as little time as people say it does, then I'm convinced that it's one of the best inventions ever!) ((If anyone has any ridiculously easy but delicious meals that they like to make, would you please send me recipes? Nothing really sounds good to me, but if it's super easy, then maybe if I start cooking I will start wanting food again.)

Oh, and please don't ask me if we have come up with a name for the baby. I promise I will let you know what we decide when she comes into the world. :)


  1. Kinsey you are beautiful, pregnancy looks good on you. Yes, people are drawn to your belly because they are in awe of the miracle of birth. It is a pretty heady thing to be creating a whole new human being, who has her own ideas of what she wants and when. You will gain your appetite back a little at a time and at some point you won't remember not being hungry. That's all part of the deal too. As far as what you write, write about what ever come to mind, there is nothing you can say that would disappoint those of us that are interested in the woman who stands before me. My reasons for following you because my daughter didn't share any of this with me. She cut us out of her life and I have never seen my grandson. So, if you don't mind, I will get to imagine through your experience what it might have been like for her. Then there is that whole thing about watching you grow from a baby to a woman and sharing your adventures through your earlier blogs. Love you, only wish the best for you, and look forward to your upcoming posts.

  2. Such a sweet update! Thank you! You have your moms sense of humor! I love it!

  3. Not sure why it thinks my name is Heaven on Earth yet I’ll take it! This is Rachael Klinker
