Saturday, January 13, 2018

Another Baby Bump Post

Here's another baby bump post. As you can see I am starting to actually look pregnant. So, that's good. Most of my ward doesn't know that I'm pregnant, and it would be awkward to just show up one of these days with a baby. But it is starting to look like I'll look pregnant for a little while before that happens. :)

School started again this week. I have decided that I will call this chapter of my life "Walking a Lot with a Heavy Backpack." Somehow, no matter how strategically I try to park my car, I still end up walking a million miles all over campus up hill all the ways. The air is thin here, and I have a hard time breathing. It's rough.

Yesterday, this was the path that I walked. For a pregnant person with a heavy backpack, it's even harder, okay? So, if you don't think it's a lot of walking just take it back and agree with me. And then commiserate with me that they don't have pregnant person parking on campus.

Number 1 is where I parked. Number 2 is where my first class was. Number 3 is where I walked to take a midterm. (By the way, I am already half way finished with my online Doctrine and Covenants class, which I am pretty proud of because I started over Winter break.) And Number 4 is when I walked ALLLLLLLLLLLLL the way from number 3 back to where I parked. I just looked it up, and I guess it's a mile one way. (I looked at it in walking so it even went diagonally the way I walked so I'd say it's pretty accurate. So, I walked 2 miles yesterday. Just to get around campus. And if you aren't impressed than you should be!)

Anyways, so that was just one day, but I feel like this is how my week has gone so far, and it is what I imagine the rest of my semester will be like as well.

Um, other information to update ya'll on.... the baby is healthy and kicking. Kicking a lot. Normally very persistently when I'm in a class and trying to focus. Or, when I have to go to the bathroom she kicks my bladder.

My pregnancy brain is settling in nicely. I accidentally almost stole a book from a store recently. Ryan and I were in a used book store looking for books to add to our collection. We found this beautiful old book that we were considering buying. Ryan was looking at a few more books and then I realized that I needed to go to the RIGHT away. (You know how it goes.) So, I told him that we needed to leave and we walked out to go find a bathroom, and then he was talking to me and looked down and noticed that I was still holding that book that we had been thinking about buying, and he said "You still have the book!" and I freaked out and ran back into the store to put it back. And then we found a bathroom. So, pregnancy has turned me into a thief.

Most of the other things that happen are just dumb embarrassing things like not being able to remember any words anymore. For instance, I asked if it snew somewhere. (The past tense of snow. Even now, my blog writing thing is telling me that "snew" is not a word." But for a second, I thought it was. Nope.

Other things that happen to me because I'm pregnant:

- Strange nightmares, I was in World War II the other night and it had an alternative ending. The Germans were winning and I was about to be killed by a bomb, but I woke up just in time. I also had a dream about scary clowns that killed people. (I have purposely NEVER even watched any of those movies because I knew it would scare me and yet, here I am having nightmares about it!)
- I started to enjoy bananas this week. If you know me, you know that I hate bananas. But they taste good to me this week, so I guess my body is telling me that I need more potassium.
- I cry while I'm driving fairly often because I imagine how sad it would be if I died in a car accident and Ryan was left by himself, or the other way around.

One last thing that you will be happy to know is that I went grocery shopping the other day and food actually sounded good to me. That hasn't happened since September. Things are looking up. :)

It's going to be a crazy semester and I'm a little worried about how Ryan and I will handle all of it, me with my 20 credits of classes, a growing belly, and lots of walking, and Ryan with his full-time job, full-time school work and an anatomy class. But last semester one of my teachers told us that:

"Two [or in this case, three] people can do anything as long as one of them is the Lord."

And I'm counting on that. 

I'm also so grateful to have so many sources of inspiration and hope from church leaders like President Thomas S. Monson who passed away last week, people have been quoting him all week, and the one that has made me think the most, has been to "find joy in the journey--now."

This year, that's what I will be working on, finding joy in the journey. It will make surviving school a little bit easier I think. I'll let you know how it goes. :)

PS. A little side note, Ryan and I saved up for months to buy me a new camera so that I could take better pictures when I have photography jobs. One of the super duper cool features on it is that it can be hooked up through wi-fi to my phone. I have this nifty app that makes it so I can see through the lens on my app and change the settings and take these pictures! So, it's like the ULTIMATE selfie camera! I can change the ISO, aperture, shutter speed, etc and then move my phone out of the picture and take the photo with no one the wiser... except that I just told you because I think it is SO cool! 

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