Thursday, January 6, 2022

Snapshots of October

This blog post is probably a little strange because it starts off with a bunch of pictures I took with my nice camera and then a bunch of pictures from my phone. The thing is, I have a photography business, and some of the best advice I've gotten is to always be taking pictures and playing with your camera. And my easiest subjects to photograph (who I also never get tired of photographing) are Rose and Lucy. So, I don't really have a good place to share these pictures that I love except here in my "snapshots" blogposts. 

October was quite the month. It was the beginning of sick season for us. And Ryan's little sister, Megan was in a horrible accident. It was also the beginning of shorter, darker days. All that combined, led to a very stressful few weeks for us. (Specifically, Megan's accident, but the other things didn't help.) 

We got a text in the middle of the night the beginning of October saying that Megan had been in an accident, she had fallen off a moving vehicle and hit her head and was life flighted to the St. George hospital. Things looked really really bad for a few days. She was in a coma for over a week, and the doctors told Ryan and his family that she probably wasn't going to make it. And then, somehow, miraculously, she did. And since then (It's been 3 months now), she has made an amazing recovery. Her body figured something out and woke up after a week of being in a complete coma, she had machines breathing for her, and got a tracheotomy, and then slowly her body started doing everything it was supposed to. Ryan told me that normally, once people get tracheotomies, they will always have them, but Megan got hers out after only a few days of it being in and the hole has closed up now. She got to go home weeks (maybe months) sooner than any of the doctors expected her to be able to, and she's been doing speech and physical therapy several days a week since then. She's a miracle. I have to believe that God needs her here for something important, because there are so many things that happened just perfectly so that she could be here today, and still be mostly our same Megan. 

You can imagine though the fear and stress and sadness that all of us experienced during that first week though. Ryan and all of his siblings went down to St. George to take turns sitting with Megan and I was supposed to be going up to Brigham City to spend the weekend with my grandparents and take pictures for my cousins before one of my cousins left on her mission. The day Ryan left to go down to St. George, Lucy came down with a fever that lasted for two days, and I was a wreck. Grannie and Papa told me I could come up anyway, even with Lucy being sick, and that made things easier for me, so I didn't have to be alone waiting for updates on Megan. 

As Megan got better, we were able to enjoy the month better. We had fun preparing for Halloween and taking walks around our neighborhood so we could step on crunchy leaves. We spent a weekend with Ryan's dad and had a great time at our ward fall festival. We went to the pumpkin patch and the girls painted pumpkins and the adults carved pumpkins after they went to bed. And overall, the month ended up being a good one. But it definitely started off rough. I'm so grateful for miracles. We definitely have an appreciation for our families that we didn't quite have before. 

Rose dressed up as Rapunzel for our ward fall festival. Isn't she cute???

Lucy helped me with one of my photoshoots, taking pictures of Emily and Rayna who were dressed up as ghosts. :)

The spooky ghosts showing Lucy the river. 

I felt cute one day so I took a picture and then promptly switched into leggings. 

Ice cream in Layton with Ryan's dad.

Rose wanted pink ice cream with sprinkles

Lucy shared grandpas milkshake with him (and then drank the entire thing) 

Cute little Elsa. ❤️

Tired little Elsa 😂

We went to one of Isaac's soccer games during conference weekend. 

And then burgers for dinner. 

Lucy really enjoyed the fry sauce. 😂

We found a pretty spot while exploring on a family walk 

Feeding the ducks

Lucy when she had a fever 😢

One of the first pictures we got of Megan after the accident. 

Grannie fixed up Rose's Wonder Woman costume for Halloween, so Rose needed to try it on

Tell me you have a toddler without telling me you have a toddler. 

Fierce Wonder Woman

At our ward fall festival 

Doing the cake walk with daddy. 

The babies took over the corn hole station 😂

Rose really wanted a donut

Right after this, she grabbed the string/donut and ate it 😂

Ryan and Rose went on a daddy daughter date to the library's Superhero Academy and had such a fun time! Ryan was Clark Kent and Rose was Wonder Woman. 

Poor Lucy pretty much had a cold all of October. And she was teething, so I finally got a chance to use these cute bandannas my mom made for Rose because Lucy was VERY drool-y for a few days. 

Emily got Rose these super cute umbrella and Rose was thrilled to have a chance to use it. 

Family dinner at Craving's Bistro

A picture at the pumpkin patch 

The corn that I found in Rose's underwear after the pumpkin patch 😂😂😂

My favorite apple cider donuts! 

Cute girls holding hands (a very rare occurrence)

Instagram told me how to make these cute leaf crafts, so we went to the park to collect all the colored leaves we could find and then came home and made little ballerina's. 

These two were mine 

This was Rose's 😍😍😍 Toddler art is my absolute favorite. Look at the little green eyelashes! I just think it's so cute! 

Rose's other piece of art. 😍

Working hard. For the longest time Rose would say look at my hard work! (instead of art work, but both work ❤️)

Cute girl living the life. 

When dad fixes your bow. 😂

Lunch picnic in the backyard. 

Painting pumpkins

Preston's Pumpkin

Tressa's Pumpkin

Ryan's Pumpkin

My pumpkin (the first time I've ever tried to do something intricate, I'm normally a triangle eyes and toothy grin kind of girl)

We moved the girls into the same room at some point this year (but I think it was sooner than October 🧐)

After trick or treating at the farmer's market. They got lots of candy and Lucy was jealous that Rose could get to the candy but she couldn't. 😅

On our way to go trick or treating!

The most gorgeous sunset when we decided to head home after trick or treating. 

Sorting through candy after getting home 

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