Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Family Adventure in November

When the days start getting shorter and colder, I start to get a little crazy and freak out a bit if I waste any warm days... 😬 Which I'm sure Ryan loves. So, when there was one nice day and daylight savings was almost here I forced Ryan and the girls to go up the canyon for one more family adventure. We went to one of the little parks near the beginning of the canyon (I can't remember which one) and had fun walking around and exploring. And I brought my camera of course. The girls had been playing with Ryan's hats before we left, so I grabbed one too and we took a picture at the end with all of us wearing one of his hats. ❤️

We found a ladybug, and then went down by the river to throw small rocks into the water and climb on the big rocks. It was a lot of fun, and then we headed back home for dinner and bedtime. 

Probably one of my favorite pictures of Lucy ever. I love that mischievous grin. ❤️


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