Ryan and I make a great couple because I'm a dreamer without any plans to make those dreams come true, while he is a go-getter and a get-things-done-er, with not so many wild dreams. When we got married I really wanted a new camera, but I figured it would be YEARS before I could ever afford a camera like the one I wanted, but he just decided we were going to get one, and started putting money away for it. Anyway, long story short, about 8 months after we got married Ryan took a giant wad of cash to the bank so that we could buy the camera and I am so grateful for him and his ability to make things happen and bring my dreams to life one by one.
As I was working on my last blog post, I found so many pictures that I've taken this year that I love and want to use in a blog post, so I thought I'd create a post with all of my favorite pictures from the year. Enjoy our year in pictures:
(Note to Reader: I just went through all of my pictures from 2018 (the ones taken with this camera, not my phone) and in my head I thought I'd be able to just pick a handful of favorite images...but I obviously forgot who I am for a minute because I don't know how to just pick a few...so, there are about a million pictures in this post. Sorry... at least it's just pictures and not a million words!)
When my bump started to finally look a little pregnant. |
This one just makes me laugh. Ryan likes to eat snow. |
I got to feel like a secret spy taking these proposal pictures for my best friend. |
A bigger bump! |
He's a Vorkink, through and through. |
Sunrise near Goblin Valley. |
Goblin Valley, the best place to play hide and seek! |
A bubble blowing contest. |
Engagement pictures for one of Ryan's best friends. |
Some pretty cinnamon things I made from scratch! |
My sister's missionary pictures. We wandered around campus and I took pictures of her and then she took pictures of me for graduation. (See below) |
Engagement pictures for my brother at Bridal Veil Falls. |
Engagement pictures for my cousin while hugely pregnant. (See next picture) |
I made Ryan take a picture with me because the sunset was so pretty and our engagement pictures were taken in this same spot during sunset 2 years ago. |
Some newborn pictures I took, preparation for the pictures I took of my own baby a few weeks later. |
The arrival of Rose Adalyn Vorkink. |
I can't believe how much she has grown already! She just looks so tiny here! |
A sneeze captured. |
Don't you just love baby old man faces? |
Emily again with a New Hampshire flag. |
Little baby Rose in her daddy's hands. |
An unhappy baby after a bath. |
I love the way she looks at Ryan. |
Front porch swingin'. |
2nd Cousins (or something like that) My cousin and I were close growing up and this is his son who is 6 weeks older than Rose. |
Ryan's sister before she left on her mission (to Tacoma Washington, where Ryan and I met!) |
I love the reflection in this one. If you flip the picture upside down it almost looks like it could be right. |
The calm after a storm. (A storm that sent us home early from a camping trip. This picture was taken on our way out. |
Four generations of women on Rose's blessing day. |
Nothing cheers Carson up like food and root beer. |
Unloading the car for a trip is exhausting! (She's literally asleep on top of all our luggage.) |
A fun picture I captured at Lake Powell. |
"It's hard work being this cute!" - Rose |
Rose with her Great Grandma Vorkink |
For National Chocolate Day, my best friend and I made this beautiful AND delicious super chocolate cake from scratch. |
A new place. |
New socks for winter and squishy thighs. |
On Instagram I captioned this: "I made this...the hat and the baby." |
Beautiful lighting for some bridals I took at Tibble Fork Reservoir. |
One of my friends helping out. |
A grumpy baby and a grumpy mom. |
Getting used to solid foods. |
As part of my bloom where you're planted post, I mentioned actually decorating this apartment. One of these days I'll go around and take pictures of all that I've done to accomplish that. Our place is coming together. :) These are some lights in Rose's room. |
The funny faces of Rose. |
Two ballerinas for Halloween. |
Dad keeps Rose warm in his coat. |
Rose is loved, maybe a little too much in this picture. ;) "Get me out of here!" -Rose |
Can't say "No" to eyes like that. Especially after getting shots that day. |
Matching for the Christmas sacrament meeting. |
I'm noticing that there are a TON of pictures of Ryan and Rose, so I'm thinking that one of my goals for next year will be to remind him to take my camera and capture pictures of me with Rose. But, aren't they just the sweetest little Dad and Daughter duo you've ever seen?
Here's to a wonderful year and many more pictures in the year to come!