I'll just have you know that "Eating for Two" is not as fun as it sounds. Turns out the baby actually just takes up all the room that your stomach used to have for expanding. Now, I have to eat super duper small portions or I'll be uncomfortable for the rest of the day!
I've been meaning to write another blog post for a couple weeks now, but it's that time of the semester when the homework seems to be never ending and my to do list is the same way. I should be working on it right now, but I'm not going to. I took another bump picture 9 days ago, and I thought maybe I should try to take another updated one, but I'm wearing sweatpants and I don't feel like changing, so we'll just have to hope that the picture from last Wednesday is close to how big I am now.
28 weeks |
Let's see, I know I have pregnancy updates. I haven't talked about my pregnancy in a little over a month.
I finally gave in and bought maternity pants. They have holes in the knees which kind of drives me crazy, but they were on sale and they actually fit and they weren't hideous sooooo they work. I'm upset with Walmart and Target for having such minuscule maternity sections. Target's is about 3 racks. Walmart's is pretty much nonexistent. I am grateful to have a pair of jeans that I can wear though.
I'm planning on being a cute pregnant person next time around, but this time around, I'm just wearing the few shirts I have that are long enough and stretchy enough to fit me, and the shirts that I've stolen from Ryan. (These pictures are misleading because I only try to look cute once or twice a week the other days I sleep until I absolutely have to get up, debate showering and then ultimately choose not to, run out of time for makeup, and put my hair into a ponytail.)
Baby Vorkink kicks a lot. She really enjoys kicking my bladder and other organs. Sometimes I have to tell her to knock it off because I JUST went to the bathroom, and I don't feel like going again! Here's a video of my little
parasite baby. :) She isn't super cooperative. She was kicking like crazy until I pulled my camera out. This is all I could get.
She is healthy though, she's growing the right amount, her heartbeat is still going, and I'm gaining the right amount of weight. Earlier this week I had to have my glucose tested to make sure I don't have gestational diabetes. I was worried about getting my blood drawn. (Last time I had my blood drawn I almost passed out and then threw up for about 10 minutes in the doctors office. That time Ryan was there and held a barf bag for me. So romantic!) But there weren't any problems, and I didn't pass out or throw up. Phew! Also, the tests came back negative! So, double phew! (That means I can stick to my diet of chocolate milk, peanut butter cap'n crunch, and cookies! Just kidding, I also eat pasta sometimes... and bagels.)
I haven't thrown up in over a month, which has been SO NICE. I don't think I could have survived this semester with morning sickness.
I have also become an expert at calling Insurance companies, the Intermountain billing office, and Labcorp. (I'm not an expert at pregnancy BUT if I had ANY advice to give, I would say that if you are still on your parents health insurance when you get married MAKE SURE TO CHANGE YOUR NAME with your insurance BEFORE GETTING PREGNANT!) 46193656319873269 calls later and I think we have figured all of our problems out.
I don't think my feet are swollen yet, but they do hurt. My stomach does get in the way a lot, making it difficult for me to put shoes on or bend over to pick things up or anything. Also, my belly button is working its way into becoming an outie, which I am not pleased with, but I'm dealing with it.
I take a nap every other day.
My hair did not get strong and thick, I was really hoping it would, but that's okay. I do think I have that pregnancy glow that people talk about. Or at least I've been told I do.
Ryan thinks I'm the most beautiful, adorable pregnant woman on the planet, but I think he's biased.
We are both really tired and slightly overwhelmed with everything we are juggling right now, but we are happy and grateful to have each other. Life is rough but we can do anything together!
I think that's all I have to update ya'll on for now. If you were wondering, I DO have a baby registry. I'm kind of an inexperienced future mom, so I don't really know what I need, but I think what I put on there is a good start.
If you were interested in contributing to the success of our growing family you can find our registry on Amazon.com under Kinsey Vorkink. :)
We do appreciate your support and love and prayers.
Also, thanks for being excited for us and for letting me have this outlet to share my thoughts and feelings, and for those of you who read the whole thing! I know I have a tendency to write a lot.
Anyways, I'll try to have a more updated picture for week 30 next week. :)