Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Summer 2020

My favorite season is Summer. I know a lot of people can't stand the heat or the bugs (and I could do without the bugs) but I love the freedom and the feeling of adventure that summertime brings. My childhood summers were always so magical. I spent the time running around barefoot outside from the time the sun came up to the time it went down. With a few breaks here and there for mealtimes. Summers in Florida (where I grew up) meant swimming in friends pools, daily rainstorms and hurricane season and going to the beach and catching frogs and lizards, and warm summer nights where we could play night games with all the kids in the neighborhood. Since I got pregnant with Rose I've been dreaming of the days that I could start to help her have a magical childhood as well. And this is the first summer where she is mobile enough that I can really help create those magical memories for her. Having a baby and taking a month long trip to Alaska and all the change and planning that came along with those made it kind of difficult for me to catch up on my blog for the months of June until now. So this blog post is just going to be a compilation of all the pictures I took and memories I want to keep from June until the end of July. 

Our summer magical moments include: 

- spending time together and getting to know Lucy
- hiking more than we ever have in Rock Canyon, Stewart Falls, Big Springs, a few other spots throughout Provo Canyon, and Dripping Rock in Springville. 
- eating lots of ice cream and cake
- spending time with family. My parents came to visit from Texas 3 times this summer! Staying with my Grannie and Papa a few times, hanging out with cousins, visiting Ryan's dad for weekends, Tressa (Ryan's Sister) stayed with us for a few months too. 
- going to the pool and splash pad
- going on lots and lots of walks 
- picking flowers, finding rocks, and carrying sticks
- intoducing Rose to our favorite Disney movies. 

I might need to change my blog name to "As Usual Here Are Way Too Many Pictures That You Probably Didn't Want To See Anyway" 

I hope that despite being in the middle of a pandemic, you were able to have a memorable and magical summer too. 

xoxo Kinsey

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