Sunday, May 4, 2014


I have a hard time finding anything beautiful about Texas. After living in Florida with the beaches and all that green, or in Utah with the mountains that are constant but also constantly changing, actual seasons, and that beautiful Spring, Texas just looks so flat, brown, and dull. However, as a photographer, it is my job to find beauty in everything and share it with the world. I pride myself in my ability to find beauty in most places. So, I was grateful when my friend gave me a challenge to find something in Texas to take pictures of.
Honestly, I don't believe that Heavenly Father made a place on this Earth without beforehand thinking about it and how it would appear to be beautiful to at least one person. Some people like the soft white sand contrasted with the blue-green of the sea, or the blue blue skies against the purple mountains. Other people like rolling green hills, some, corn fields as far as the eye can see without a building in sight. Some people think the city is more beautiful to see than nature. While yet, there will still be people who love the starry night sky more than anything. If I, the master at finding beauty, can't find beauty in Texas (the state with the most people that would never leave if they had the chance) then it's a problem with me and the way I'm looking at it, and not the actual place.
Here are some pictures I took of the bluebonnets, capturing some of what Texans love about this place.

A very messed up panoramic of the field... I'll have to try again.
Also, you get to see a picture of me and my sweet baby brother.

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