Tuesday, December 5, 2017

What's your guess?

I know that last week when we announced our special news, I also mentioned we would find out the gender last week, and for all you family members we told you that we would know by Wednesday.

This past week, has been a crazy one with papers, tests, work, and getting things done. Not only that but on Saturday I ran out of my morning sickness medicine, and it turns out, I am NOT over morning sickness yet. (I'll spare you the gross details, but it was a rough weekend.)

So, now a week later, I am still trying to think of some cute way to announce the gender of this baby.

(I've been calling it the alien baby for a while because morning sickness mixed with a full schedule does not make me a happy camper.)

Last Wednesday we went in for our ultrasound to find out the gender, but thIs baby takes afTer it'S parents because there was no moving that baby out of its comfortable position. The technician tried shaking it, pushing it, doing everything he could to get that stubborn bAby to move so that he could see what the gender was, but there was no hope. That baby is destined to be as stubborn as the two of us. Baby's legs were crossed, tucked up, with the umbilical cord runninG right between them. We came back agaIn the next day. I was told to dRink sugary drinks, Like orange juice, to see if I could hype the baby up and get it moving. With a little coercing, baby was persuaded to move just enough for us to find out if baby is a he or a she.

Anyways, we figured out the gender. If you have any creative suggestions for how we can announce it, let me know. :)

There she is at 16 weeks. :) 

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