Friday, April 6, 2018

This Chapter of my Life is Going to be Called: Papers and Dirty Dishes

There are only 8 days of class left (not including the weekends). After that I have a few days of final exams. Unfortunately, I have a lot left to get done in order to successfully finish up the semester.

The other day I counted and had 10 papers left. I think I'm down to 8 now. Luckily, I actually enjoy the classes I am taking and the topics I am writing about. Instead of having boring assignments with math and science or boring statistics my papers are about fascinating things. I think I mentioned in my last blog post about the paper I am writing about how prayer and forgiveness impact marriage. Some of my other topics are: how does social media use affect body image (the answer is: negatively, in case you were wondering. Unfortunately, I am terrible at following the advice I am giving in my paper.), a ten page paper on what I have learned from other religions that I can apply to my life to strengthen my faith, a paper about my experience going to a church service of another faith, how my attachment style has affected my relationship with my husband, and an analysis on a piece of artwork. The rest are little two page reflection papers about what I learned in my classes.

Also, just to complain a little bit, I have an oral presentation that I have to give next week. I signed up to go next Friday (a week from today), so that I could see how other people present their topics and then figure out what I want to do. There was some sort of mix up though, because my teacher emailed me a few minutes ago and told me that I still hadn't signed up for a time to present and that the only available spots were on Monday (3 days from now). So, I guess somehow my sign up didn't save and I have to present on the first day of presentations... Which probably means I should go ahead and start figuring out my presentation today.... sigh. On the bright side, this will force me to get one big project out of the way in 3 days instead of in a week when I should be working on all of those papers.

I rewarded myself for handling that situation so well by making myself a frosted lemonade (Like the Chick-Fil-A ones.)

I was telling someone the other day that for the next three weeks, I'm just accepting that the house is going to fall apart and that dinner is not going to be made. I have all of my papers and homework and school things to finish up, and Ryan is taking Anatomy (I've never taken it, but every time I say those 4 words, the person I am talking to says "ooooh, that's rough!" So, that's how you should respond as well). So, that means that neither of us can relax for the next few weeks.

Our laundry situation isn't so bad... last night I made Ryan put ALL of his jeans in the washer so that I would HAVE to get that load done or else he wouldn't have pants to wear to school today. Then I would feel super duper bad. I'm so glad that my plan didn't backfire. Now we just have to fold it...

Anyways, you  probably aren't interested in our housework situation or schoolwork. I also have a pregnancy update. I am not 34 weeks along. My little app tells me that she is about 18 inches long and probably close to 5 lbs. It also says that if she were born now she would probably survive. But I'm really hoping that she waits until her due date. I would really like to graduate this semester. I have not waddled around campus for the last 3 months for nothing! I don't really have any crazy updates. I still hate walking up hills, I feel very heavy, I can't reach anything on the floor of the car if I'm sitting down. My legs, hips, and ribs ache. I'm pretty sure my baby alternates between tap dancing on or hugging my bladder all day. Also, like I mentioned last time, my lungs are pretty much useless, but even more so now than before. It's unfortunate because with the weather warming up, I'd really like to go hiking and be outside, but I can't walk very far before my legs feel like they need to be chopped off, my lungs give up on me, or my bladder feels like it might explode. 

I've been creating a list in my head as I walk up hills on campus of things I can't wait to do again after the baby comes. I'm sure you want to see what is on my list, so I am generously going to share it with you.

Things I can't wait to do again:

- lay on my stomach.
- lay on my back.
- eat a sandwich with lunch meat (who would have thought that would be on my list? It seems like not being allowed to eat something makes you want it so much more.)
- walk in public without people looking at my stomach.
- to not feel the need to stay away from people so they won't touch my belly. (Why is it so irresistible to people???)
- for my belly button to go back where it's supposed to be.
- for my appetite to come back again.
- to be able to put shoes on without feeling like I just ran 10 miles.
- to be able to sneak through crowds again without touching people. 
- to be able to go to the bathroom and not feel like I have to go again once I get out of the bathroom. 
- to sit in a hot tub.
- to fit into more than the same 5 shirts.
- to do the dishes without having to turn sideways.

I'm sure there are more, but this is what I can think of so far. :) 

Anyways, there aren't any major changes in our life, our sink is full, the laundry is clean but not folded, I'm still pregnant, I'm a little grumpy, school is still going but almost over. On the bright side, the trees are starting to turn green again and I keep finding flowers in new places which makes me happy. Spring is so much nicer than winter. 

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