Sunday, January 26, 2020

Our Week in Pictures

Nothing really crazy or exciting happened this week for us. Ryan had Monday off and then work and school and work and work and school and work and work and work and then slept and then worked some more and then took a little break and then worked some more and is currently sleeping.

Rose and I were sick and sick and then sick some more and then tried to stay at home to keep other people from getting sick for most of the week. I cheated a little bit and went to the Provo Rec center to play with her at the indoor playground for a bit and exercised once leaving her at child watch (and I know that makes me a terrible person, but I'm pretty sure that's where she GOT sick, so I'm just paying it forward! and also how can you expect a mom and a baby to be stuck inside for a whole week with only each other as company, huh?! That would make ANYONE crazy! And, for the record I waited until the end of the week to take her to child watch... so there's a chance she didn't have any germs to spread. *fingers crossed* We just had to get out of the house and it's been very cloudy and gloomy around here this week and we live in a basement. So, please don't judge us.)

AAAAANNNNYways, so our week was boring, but we got a few cute phone pictures throughout the week, and I'll just share those and include explanations if necessary.

Happy Sunday!

Rose stopped being cuddly when she was able to start moving, and it's very exciting that she is just barely starting to cuddle with us again. AND she has learned to give "big hugs!" Isn't she cute?

Rose saw my camping hat under the passenger seat and would not rest until I handed it over to her. She put it on and left it there for the entire drive to the grocery store (this was before I got sick). 

Two sickies, cuddling some more. (really, this so rarely happens that I can't help but take a picture when it does.) Also, Rose found her Halloween costume and had to put it on. Of course. 

We found that one magical way to get Rose to sit still is to give her raisins. Other snacks don't do the trick, but raisins are magical. Give her a cup full of raisins and she'll sit with you for at least half an hour (last night she made it an ENTIRE HOUR before she was ready to be up and moving again.) Yes, Ryan is asleep here. Did I mention that he works a LOT? 

Dalmation selfie. 

We attempted to get out of the house yesterday afternoon, so we went to a pond that has a million ducks. However, the pond was drained, the ducks were all still there but they weren't in the water and it was really cold. And do you see that fog? It felt like Washington! We only stayed out for about 30 minutes before going back home. 

More raisins, this is the hour long sitting still session. We were watching Despicable Me 2. 

And last but not least, here is Rose posing in her church clothes because she is just so dang cute and I had to get a picture of her outfit. Also, I wish it was as easy to look stylish as an adult as it is as a baby. 

Is she really happy here or is she plotting something mischievous? We'll never know. Probably both. 

Oh, and if anyone wants to know and praise me for my efforts, I also managed to get the laundry done, and keep the kitchen somewhat clean throughout the week. So, I'm pretty much a super lady over here. I am pregnant you know! 

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