Sunday, March 28, 2021

A Visit to Utah Lake and Lucy's 9 Month Pictures

As I mentioned in my last blog post, I got a new lens for my camera (in January) and I am still SO thrilled with it. It has taken my photography up a notch and it just brings me so much joy. Obviously, I needed to go somewhere beautiful to take some pictures, and Lucy needed some documentation of what she looked like at 9 months (now almost a year old, I clearly need to be more efficient with these posts.) So, we packed up the van (when you have two kids, no matter where you are going or how long you are going to be gone, you "pack up the van." There is no such thing as hopping in the car and running somewhere really quick anymore.) I brought snacks, a blanket to sit on, a few extra layers and had the girls dressed up all cute and got all these perfect and beautiful photos. 

But don't let the pictures fool you, we almost missed the sunset, so I was feeling rushed and a little bit crazy, Ryan was tired and didn't realize I wanted to take pictures of the girls and would want to get them out of the van so he was a wee bit cranky, and it was much colder than I expected and the girls weren't dressed warm enough. So, I took the pictures and let Rose explore a bit but also tried to keep them clean (Utah Lake's beaches have stinky mud all around) and then when Ryan finally convinced me to leave, Rose fell in the stinky mud and was crying the way any 2 year old does when they are tired and cranky (also she dropped her fruit by the foot in the mud so we had to throw it away. It was pretty devastating), and we lugged everything back to the van so we could go home and sit on the couch and do nothing else for the rest of the night. 

Phew, this was a few months ago and it gets my heart rate up just thinking about it! Having kids is not for the faint of heart!

Enjoy the pictures! <3 

Oh, and here is what I posted on Instagram when Lucy turned 9 months: 
"Lucy is 9 months old today! 😍 I just can't believe time has flown by so fast and yet I can't imagine life without her!

Some facts about our Lucy girl:
*She has 6 teeth
*She is obsessed with food. Literally, she's been eating solids for 3 months and has not met a food she doesn't like (or anything she can put in her mouth for that matter.)
*She is starting to scoot, when she thinks it's worth it. If she thinks someone will get something for her, she doesn't bother.
*She loves playing with Rose and thinks Rose is the coolest ever.

We love this girl! ❤️"


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