Monday, October 25, 2021

Snapshots of July

We made it to July! (Just pretend that it's not the end of October. 😅)
Last week I did an entire post for "Snapshots of June" only to realize after I spent an hour and a half working on it and publishing it that I already did a snapshots of June post. Oops. 

So, here's July, the actual next post. 

I don't normally think of July as a month that I particularly love, there aren't any holidays or birthdays. BUT we did lots of fun things this July and I thoroughly loved it! 

We went camping in Southern Utah (Navajo Lake) with Ryan's family (I'll do another post with pictures from that), we went to Provo's Freedom Festival for the 4th of July and then did sparklers at home, we visited my grandparents so that we could eat strawberries and enjoy some downtime with Grannie and Papa, we enjoyed some fresh eggs from our friends and had lots of playdates (thank you for the break in covid cases which made it possible to do so many fun things), we went to the pool, the new playground, and to the library a bunch. 

Oh, and big news! Ryan quit his job at Sam's Club (yahoo!!!!!) and started a new job at Hoyt Archery. (Which he loves, he makes bows... like bow and arrow bows.) 

Farmer's Market with Emily and Rayna

I think this is one of the first pictures of Lucy standing up!

We bought this pink pool for the summer and then only used it twice. 😅 Maybe next year. 

Rose picked this outfit out herself and then said while we walked into the library "I just love dressing fancy." 

Rose tucking Snowball in. 

Some phone pictures from camping

We spent lots of time looking for agate

Ryan eating a mini pizza lunchable late at night by the light of his phone. 😂

Lucy in her pack n play while camping. ❤️

Rose ready for whatever the day may bring

Everyone taking afternoon naps

Including Rose

and Lucy

Sisters, Sisters

Lucy and I got to go to the pool on a mommy and baby date while Rose had a playdate with a friend!

I so so so rarely get to see Rose or Lucy sleeping, I had to snap a photo. 

Someone in our area has apricot trees and lets you pick however many you want! We had so much fun picking the apricots to take home! 

It's dirt, not chocolate 🤦‍♀️

My kids love taking selfies with me. 

The Brigham City Tabernacle

The Brigham City Temple. ❤️

Lucy learning how to make friends. 😂

Games with Katie and Adam (featuring Ryan's sunburn from his Spartan Race)

Visiting daddy for lunch at work before he finished up at Sam's Club. 

Poor little girl got her shots. :(

Ryan asleep

Lucy asleep

Ryan and Rose "sleeping"


Rose and Snowball, bffs since Christmas 2020 (but it feels like forever). 

Hanging out at the new park :)

Grannie and I went to look for a good spot to take a picture of the sunset while I was in Brigham City, and I made her take a picture with me before we left. :) 

1 comment:

  1. Your kids are going to love these when they get older! I especially like the pictures of Ryan and Rose playing in the water. Great shots of water droplets!
