Sunday, June 2, 2019


On May 24th, a week ago, our perfect, sweet, sassy, and slightly independent baby girl turned ONE. I can't believe it! We met our friend's new born that same week and I could not believe that Rose was that teeny tiny a year ago, or that she has actually grown so much!

Being a Mom is such an interesting experience. My heart is fuller than it's ever been, my eyes are wetter than they've ever been, my body is more weary than it's ever been, and my brain has never been able to come up with as many worst case scenarios ever before. I'm happy, exhausted, anxious and proud like never before.

Rose can be SO exasperating sometimes! Like when I cook an egg for my breakfast and she yells at me until I give her some, and then she spits it out and ALSO has to throw it on the ground. And then proceeds to throw everything else I give her to eat on the ground. *Insert eye roll and a sigh*

Rose makes me so nervous because she intuitively knows where all the most dangerous parts of the apartment are and makes a beeline for them all day every day. She thinks it's a game to race me to the top of the stairs or to reach out to touch the electric sockets.

Rose is adorable when she sits in the backseat of the car talking to us, and giggling to get our attention. She hates being left alone back there, so she giggles because that's a sure way to get us to look back and smile at her. :) But if we aren't fast enough, the giggles turn quickly into shouts of displeasure that she is being ignored.

I am full of love as I watch Rose learn and explore. It's amazing how exciting little things like learning how to point, or use a sippy cup on her own or put blocks in a box or how to climb up the stairs are to see. Little things that I don't even think about doing, are big steps for her and it is so incredible to get to watch her go from a helpless little newborn to the independent, energetic, has to be everywhere at once, one year old she is now.

Being her Mom is the best job in the world. I can't wait to see what amazing things she accomplishes throughout the rest of her lifetime.

Happy Birthday sweet girl!

Also, these cake pictures are a little bit deceiving. I thought she would be thrilled about having a chocolate cake all to herself, but she seemed kind of hesitant to touch it at first, like she thought it was a trap. We had to take pieces of it first to convince her to eat any of it. She only ended up eating a small amount and then just played with the rest of it.

Oh, and we had a fun birthday party for her with lots of friends and family. She loved opening presents and all the attention. It was a very exciting, and slightly exhausting day for her.

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