Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Boring and Old: Late Night/Early Morning Thoughts By Me

I was looking through my photos on Facebook tonight. I'm at work and I had 8 hours to kill. I caught up on Instagram, emails, Facebook, my scripture reading, and the ward bulletin (which I am responsible for updating). I didn't have a new book to read, so I looked at one photo and then another, and then all of a sudden I had spent 2 hours looking at pictures. I found some fun ones.

Okay, first of all, we were SO small! It is crazy how old someone can start to look in just 2 years! 

Second of all, we look so happy and like we had so much fun! 

Part of me sees these pictures and I think, "What happened? How come we don't have fun anymore?" Which isn't actually a very fair question, because nobody ever takes pictures of the boring parts of life, so we probably didn't have that much more fun back then than we do now. But it is easy to get caught up in that mindset of "If only..." 

However, another part of me knows that we have gotten older, in two years we have added a lot more responsibilities to our lives. When we were dating and getting married we just needed to find a place to live. And we were blessed to find an awesome first home that was extremely affordable. We had more time to have fun, even when we didn't have much time at all. Back then I know that I was stressed and worried just like I do now, but from here looking back, I can see that I didn't have very much to worry about at all. 

Now I feel stressed and overwhelmed, but I know that in 5 years I will look back and think the same thing. That I don't have very much to worry about at all. 

Now, what am I going to do to remember that? I don't know... but when I figure out the magical formula for living in the moment, making time to have fun, and not worrying or stressing all day every day, I will let you know. 

Third of all, I just finished a book called "The Happiness Project" by Gretchen Rubin, it's pretty popular so I'm sure many of you have heard of it. But it was really good! And got me thinking about what small changes I can make in my life to be happier. She spent a lot of time working on being happier at home, around her children and around her husband. While reading this book I realized that I am a grumpy housewife. Sigh. And I really don't like that about myself. So I finished the book and I gave myself ONE goal. To not nag my husband. And I've written down this goal and thought about this goal, but then what do I do? I go home and I can't even stop myself! I sigh, and roll my eyes, and think about "ALLLL" that I do around the house and demand that he does something, and then demand that he does something else. I probably drive him crazy, but I drive myself crazy too! 

I haven't found a solution to this weakness that I have, but it helps me to write it down and to share my thoughts and struggles. If you have found ways to help with this, please share! And I will update on my journey to be a happier wife and happier mom and happier, more grateful woman in general! 

It's hard once you have children and the more bills and items you add onto your to do list, but I know that I was not created to be a grumpy housewife! I know I can be better and I will work on it! 

That's all. Have a great day! :) 

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