Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas!

Someday, we will send out Christmas cards. Until then, here is my usual blog post Christmas card. 

We had quite the year, just like everyone else. 

Ryan started working at The Heritage Community at the beginning of this year, on top of his full time job in the Tire Shop at Sam's Club. He's been working a lot and has taken a few classes at UVU, but has decided to take a short break and switch directions starting next Fall. He's the best husband, and the best dad, despite getting ridiculously small amounts of sleep this whole year and having 3 girls to keep up with. 

Kinsey (that's me, in case you didn't know. haha) stopped working at The Heritage Community last Christmas so that she could spend some time focusing on Rose before adding another addition to the family. She and Rose went on a trip to Florida just before the pandemic hit at 7 months pregnant to see family and be a bridesmaid in a childhood friends wedding. She had a baby in April, and has mostly been killing it at the stay at home mom to two kids thing. (Haha, just kidding, it's a struggle, but it brings me so much joy and I'm so grateful that it is possible for me to stay home with the girls.) She is also working on her photography business and slowly (verrrrryyyy slowly) growing it into something great! She is very excited that she made more money this year than last year even though she had a baby, spent a month in Alaska, and most of the year was spent in a global pandemic.

Rose is two and a half now. She is a ball of constantly distracted energy, but is also sweet as can be. She loves spending time with Mom in the mornings reading books, coloring, and eating breakfast. She loves being a big sister and loves to help cheer Lucy up when she is sad. She's learned about a million words this year, and can now jump an inch off the ground with BOTH feet. She also learned how to run. She's also learned lots of songs and the words to go with them. 

Lucy was born in April healthy as could be. She's been growing steadily over the last 8 months because her one true passion in life is eating. She was very excited to wake up to some new snacks this Christmas morning. She has 5 teeth now, can sit up, and is a very skilled roller. She loves her big sister, and can't help but smile when Rose is around. 

As a family, we've mostly been around home this year, but we were able to spend a month in Alaska with Ryan's cousins this summer during his paternity leave, which was SO fun and definitely a highlight of our year. We went on lots of walks, more hikes than ever before, and hopefully will have an even better year next year! We are grateful for all that we have been blessed with including good health, plenty of food, a safe place to live, good jobs, beautiful daughters, and a Savior who makes it all possible. 

Merry Christmas to you all, and a Happy (and hopefully healthy) New Year! <3 

Love, The Vorkink Family 


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