Saturday, November 10, 2018

A Life Update

Before I get into the update, look at how cute and Fall-ish our apartment looks with all these mini pumpkins and gourds that our friends gave us!

Do you like the drawing? I did that! :) (This has nothing to do with our Fall decorations, I'm just proud of the way it turned out.)

This one looks like a swan to me. 
Okay! That's all my little pumpkins and gourds!

Here's the update!

So, I decided to apply for the Marriage and Family Therapy Master's program at BYU. It's a bit more involved of a process than I thought when I originally decided to do it. But, I'm really excited with how things are going, and I think I have a chance at getting in!

I studied diligently for the GRE for the last month. I had to relearn a ton of basic math principles. And I learned a bunch of new words like "superfluous" and "querulous". I took the test on Wednesday and HOLY COW that test sure is draining. There are 2 writing sections, 2 math sections, 2 verbal sections, and then one extra either math or verbal. Each section is about 30-35 minutes and there is a 10 minute break in between the 3rd and 4th section.

This was the longest I've ever been away from Rose AND the longest Ryan has ever spent with just Rose. I was a little worried about how it would go, but they turned out alright! It was a little nice to feel validated though, because Ryan now understands how difficult it is to get housework done when you have a baby. Screaming babies aren't as difficult to ignore as he seemed to think. ;)

I don't know the official scores for my test yet, BUT the estimated score was ONE point above what I needed to be considered for the program! Hallelujah and thank goodness! Because I do NOT want to take that test again!

That was one step for the application process. The other is that my professors suggested I get clinical experience so I am better qualified for the MFT program. For that, I've been looking for a job at a residential treatment center.

Unfortunately, Ryan pays the bills by working full time but he is also going to school so my responsibility is to watch Rose. Which leaves very little availability for me when looking for a job.

I found a residential treatment center that has a night shift availability and I got the job! I'll be working on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday nights from 10 pm to 7 am. Which will be tough, BUT it's experience working with people AND it's a little extra money to help Ryan out. I'm a little nervous about the whole work at night, entertain Rose during the day thing, but I'm also really excited about it and I'm so glad that I'm not losing any of my time with Rose to do it!

I feel like all those jobs I got turned down for were just leading me in this direction. I'm not sure if I'll get into the program or not, but even if I don't, I feel pretty accomplished having successfully taken the GRE and finally being qualified for a job that is something more along what I'm interested in. It seems like God is leading me in some direction, we'll just have to wait and see where it leads.

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