Sunday, November 4, 2018

Happy Halloween!

I cannot WAIT until Ryan is done with school and can work hours where he gets to celebrate all the holidays with us! Including Halloween! However, this year is not that year and so Rose and I had to celebrate Halloween mostly by ourselves.

I had these grand plans for us to dress up together and then pass out candy on the front porch. Then I was going to roast some pumpkin seeds for the first time and snack on them while watching Return to Halloweentown until Ryan got home around 11 pm.

What my Halloween REALLY looked like though:

- Studying for the GRE (which I'm taking in 3 days by the way. And the nail biting begins...)
- Running to drop off our rent.
- Realizing that the sun goes down sooner and I have WAY less time to find myself a costume that matches Rose's and take cute pictures than I thought.
- Rushing home squeezing into my ballet clothes from when I took an Intro to Ballet class at BYU 4 years ago. Finding another shirt to put on TOP of that because... nursing. Putting Rose's cute little ballerina outfit on her.
- Lugging Rose, my camera, a tripod, and a blanket out into the cold, cruel, but also photogenic outside.
- Realizing I need my phone to take the pictures, so lugging all that BACK upstairs (because you can't leave an expensive camera and a priceless baby outside by themselves without panicking about all the thieves and kidnappers there are in Provo...are there any?)
- Taking pictures of a grumpy grumpy ballerina who is NOT pleased to be wearing a tank top in the cold weather. (You have to suffer for beauty, Rose. Sorry, but that's what my mom taught me and I have to pass it down.)
- Stepping down on an acorn and bruising the bottom of my foot while lugging everything back inside.
- Changing back into normal clothes, because I just don't make a good ballerina, and feeding the grumpy baby.
- While I was feeding Rose, we got our first trick or treater, so I put her down (to her extreme displeasure) to run down the stairs, and give candy to them. When I came back upstairs to my screaming baby, I was walking on the front of my foot (because the back of it hurt) and got a splinter from the hardwood floors.
- So, then for the next hour I bounced between feeding Rose, trying to get a very stubborn splinter out of my foot, hobbling down the stairs to open the door and pass out candy and then starting over again.
- I gave up on getting the splinter out, and decided to just sit outside all bundled up to pass out candy, but that only lasted 30 minutes because Utah gets cold when the sun goes away.
- Ryan came home early and had to work on homework, but wasn't interested in watching Halloweentown, so he made fun of it the whole time and I just watched it on my phone instead.
- and the pumpkin seeds are still in the fridge a week later waiting to be roasted.

How did your Halloween go? :)

PS. If anyone would like some Butterfingers or Crunch bars, we have SO many left over. Come visit and I will give them ALL to you.

Here are pictures of the cutest little ballerina on the planet though, despite how grumpy she is sometimes. :)

Also, my legs are not THIS white (they actually sort of are, but I'm wearing tights in this picture, so they look even more white. And I'm wearing ballet clothes, so I'm not as immodest as you think... I think.)

Am I the worst mom for bringing her outside dressed like this? I promise it was only for about 10 minutes.)

All the heart eyes go to this sweet girl.

And here we are all bundled up on the porch. 
Also, here are our pumpkins. My cute little owl, and Ryan's sinister looking Jack O'Lantern. 
And, a very concerned Rose inside a pumpkin. "Mom! Dad! What are you doing to me?!"

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