Wednesday, October 14, 2020

How's My Soccer Mom Look?

My mom got a new car last year and with it the family minivan was no longer in use... besides by my sister who was home while she waited for school to start back up. This van is the van that I learned to drive in and I love it! When Ryan's truck kicked the bucket, my mom asked if we wanted the van, and I definitely did (who wouldn't with two kids in carseats?! Who need pack n plays and bassinets to sleep in every time we travel. Or a double stroller to take places???) but Ryan was not really interested. He's told me several times that we would never own a minivan. But a free minivan is a free minivan. And I told him that if it made him feel better I would put it in my name only and be the one to drive if it really bothers him so much. And it doesn't. The title is in both of our names and he drives (because he doesn't think I'm a good driver. Which is hurtful, but whatever, driving is stressful so I'm fine with him doing the driving when all of us need to get somewhere.) 

So, long introduction to get to this, but we are now the proud owners of a new to us (2007 before you start to feel jealous about our minivan. It's still old.) MINIVAN! Woohoo! 

It's amazing! There is SO. MUCH. SPACE! I can put the diaper bag and a backpack for Rose, and a camera, and a jacket at my feet in the passenger seat and still have room for my feet. BOTH of our strollers fit in the trunk, including the double stroller. The key fob! I'm in love, I don't know how we managed so long without one! And I love that the doors open on their own if you push the button. It's the best! It's just a million times better than getting kids into the Toyota Corolla! 

Anyway, I did a photoshoot with my sister who took these gorgeous pictures of yours truly with the said minivan. So, big shoutout to Emily for being so fun and for taking time to document me with my new van! 
Enjoy these super cheesy pictures of me and the van trying to look like a cool mom! 


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