Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Alaska Family Pictures

Over the last few years we have really tried to make traveling a priority, even with our limited resources (thank you stimulus check! Don't worry, we aren't in debt and we made sure all of our bills would be paid before we used the stimulus check on something less practical!) and Ryan's limited time off at work. We've had a handful of big trips (San Diego, Oregon/Washington, and Alaska. And I've traveled to Florida and Texas to spend time with Family. My bucket list is a mile long with all the places I want to go, and there are a bunch of places I would like to go back to. Ryan doesn't really care too much about traveling, he would rather just go camping in the mountains nearby, but he loves me so he's willing to make it a priority too (as long as we get to go camping sometimes too.) 

In Rose's short 2 1/2 years of life she has been to EIGHT states. (Utah, Idaho, California, Washington, Oregon, Texas, Florida, Alaska) Can you believe that? We added it up and are so surprised that we have managed to travel so much in her little lifetime. 

It's been so fun to visit so many different places and to figure out how to do it on a small budget and to have so many fun experiences with our kids. One tradition that I like is using my nice camera to try to get some family pictures in each of the places that we've visited. While in Alaska we took an hour on one of our last days to go to one last place we had wanted to visit with Ryan's aunt Christy and she took pictures for us. I thought they turned out pretty cute despite two little kids who weren't very cooperative. I cropped in the ones that I thought were the funniest so you could get a good close up of the faces. 

First the cute ones:

And our guest star: Taysom who held the bag of chocolate chips to keep Rose happy... but also distracted her from wanting to take pictures because it looked like more fun to carry the chocolate chip bag: 

And the funny, bound to happen with a baby and a two year old, realistic pictures that I love:

Oh and a husband who has an inner 2 year old inside him as well.

I so wish this face Lucy is making was in focus, but it just looks so much like the Lorax to me. 😂

So much happiness going on in this photo. haha 
On the bright side, my hair looks fantastic!

So much anger in such a little body. She was not pleased. 

In this picture Rose is saying she needs more chocolate chips. 

Ah, Lucy. The epitome of joy. 

Taking pictures with toddlers looks a whole lot like this ^ while you chase after them and keep them from stepping in puddles with their only pair of nice shoes. 

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