Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Purple Hair

As long as I've had a Pinterest account I've wanted to dye my hair something colorful and purple is the hair color I've wanted for probably at least 10 years. However, there has always been something to stop me. In high school I think it was against the school dress code and also I would never have been brave enough to do something that daring. At BYU it was definitely against the honor code. You absolutely cannot have purple hair while serving a mission. And then when I graduated I thought about it but then I started working nights at Heritage and they also wanted employees to look professional, so no purple hair then either. Then in March I had an interview to work in the temple (which didn't work out because they saw how pregnant I was and thought maybe I should wait until Lucy was a few months old to make sure I could commit to the shifts.) and so I was not planning on dying my hair purple anytime soon. 
BUT then (!) a pandemic swept the earth and everything was closed and canceled and I thought "Why not now?" Plus, we were heading to Alaska and I thought purple hair would look extra cool in Alaska. haha (because I'm extra cool.) 

So, I did it! It's one of the most daring things I've ever done! And I was so relieved when I went to my appointment to find out that it doesn't just stay purple until your hair grows out like I thought it would. Because my hair grows really slow.

Besides the fact that it bleeds when it gets wet and I was super paranoid about staining everything I own purple, I really loved having purple hair! There is still a little bit left (over two months later) but it's faded a lot. I don't know if I'll do it again any time soon because I want to have long healthy hair someday but I'm really glad I did it. Here are some pictures from the photo shoot I did, with Ryan as the photographer this time, while in Alaska. The purple flowers grew just for me to match my hair. :) 

Also, I much prefer to be the photographer and not the photographee it turns out but Ryan did a good job and I was able to get a little bit out of my comfort zone to get these pictures, and I'm glad I did because purple hair in Alaska probably isn't going to happen again anytime soon. 

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