Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Snapshots of January

It's August. I thought I had finished this blog post ages ago, but I never did. So, let me pull what I can from the depths of my memory and the blur that my pregnancy was. I honestly don't remember much of January. I started the year off on a girls night in Bear Lake with all the women in my family. It was VERY cold. This first picture is pretty much the only time we were outside. The rest of the trip was spent eating snacks, playing scattegories, and doing a puzzle as we waited for midnight to come around (and kept at it until 2 am when we finished the puzzle). I threw up at about 10 pm while I was waiting because I forgot to bring my go-to morning sickness snacks. Other then the throwing up and having a hard time sleeping on the very short bunk beds, we had lots of fun, but next time we do this, I think we need more than one night. 

Based on the pictures, it looks like we went to visit Grannie and Papa and while we were there we went to my cousin Ben's wedding (which was beautiful) and Rose danced the night away. What the pictures don't show is that we all got sick and threw up all weekend. 

Now that I think about it, I think all of January was a blur because we all got sick multiple times that month. I had morning sickness, we think we got Covid, Lucy was recovering from hand foot mouth after Christmas, and we may have had a regular cold too. It was mostly a month of hanging out at home and doing the best we could. 

Abbie, Katie, Natalie, Sam, Grannie, Mikayla, Me, Beth, Emily, Mom

Feeding the ducks at Paul Ream Wilderness Park

Rose telling the ducks to back off 😂

Our baby announcement picture ❤️

Lucy ❤️

The sunset after taking engagement pictures for a couple at Tibble Fork Reservoir 

A baby bump picture (I think this was 16 weeks)

Rose writing her name on her own is one of my favorite things. 

At Ben's wedding.

Rose dancing to her hearts content with her cousin Owen

Puzzles at the library

I felt pretty so I took a picture (during my one week of pregnancy glow)

Our friend Matt brought Rose and Lucy lobster lollipops from Maine 😂 they made Lucy look like a vampire. 

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