Saturday, January 28, 2023

Snapshots of December - Part 2

December 2022

December with 3 kids 4 and under is a little more chaotic than other Decembers. I had to decide that we would take it easier than normal. I took a month off of social media, which was really nice. I didn't see all the posts about what everyone else is doing or buying for Christmas, or get ads targeted to me about all the different things I should buy for my kids or myself. I also made a list of the things that I DO want to do so that we could make time to do them all. We did our favorite tradition: the 25 days of Christ. Where we hang up an ornament and tell a story from the Savior's life every day leading up to Christmas. We saw the Christmas lights at Pioneer Park with our friends, the Nanto's. We had fun hanging out with Lisa and Isaac at Thanksgiving Point's Museum of Natural Curiosity during Isaac's school break. We watched LOTS of Christmas movies. Rose and Lucy loved the Grinch and Frosty the Snowman this year. Those two movies (and the accompanying songs...) were on serious repeat over here. We made hot chocolate, and a teeny tiny fairy snowman. We decorated gingerbread (actually Oreo) houses. We made cookies and delivered them to our friends. And on one weekend while visiting Brigham City, I took the kids up to Logan to go on a sleigh ride with Emily and Rayna and the girls talked to Santa. He asked them what they want for Christmas and Rose said "Welllll, I want a Barbie doll, but mom said I'm not going to get any for Christmas." and Santa thought that was very funny. 
We had our annual sock exchange party in Layton with Mama and Lyle and all of the kids. Rose and Lucy were thrilled to play with their cousins and to get new princess socks. 
We had a great Christmas weekend, and then my parents came for a few days and we spent most of that time with them. The girls spent the night with them and I came over in the morning with Quinn. I loved having most of my food made by my dad and talking to my mom and the girls had a great time watching movies with Carson and letting Papa read all of the Elephant and Piggie books that this airbnb had. 

And now it's January 2023 and I am just about finished up catching up on the last 6 months of the year! 

The cutest little drawing of the Nativity I have ever seen! Art by Rose.

This painting and the next one are some pieces of art that Ryan and I bought at a super cool antique store in Salt Lake on a date. This antique store had a full sized taxidermy Lion AND an elephant foot! And so much other cool but very expensive stuff. We liked these paintings...and they were less expensive. 

These are some scratch off tickets that my mom put in our stockings from New Mexico. I won $4! 

This is funny. I was writing a blog post and I started sleep typing. (Can you tell in the last sentence? haha)


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