Thursday, January 5, 2023

Introducing Quinn ❤️

 World, meet Quinn. 

Quinn Carson Vorkink

Born surprisingly on his due date July 4, 2022.

Quinn was by far my easiest delivery of my 3. Ryan and I left his family reunion at Bear Lake a day early and we left the girls with his dad so that we could check into the hospital for our induction. I was very sad to leave the girls. (You'd think it would easier since I did this last time and everything turned out fine, but no, I was just as teary leaving the girls this time as I was leaving Rose last time.) But we left the girls in good hands, and arrived at the hospital around 6:30 pm on Sunday evening. They checked us in, and got us situated in a room. 

Around 8:30 pm they had the Pitocin hooked up and I did a poll on Instagram to see if people following along thought he would be born on July 3 or July 4. 7 people voted for July 3 and 38 people voted for the Fourth of July. (I was really hoping he would be born on the 3rd so he wouldn't have to share his birthday with a holiday.) 

I was really proud of myself because when I got to the hospital and started getting hooked up to things I made sure to let the nurses know that I tend to cry a LOT in the hospital because I get so nervous. But I didn't cry ONCE. The super nice nurse even messed up my IV and had to put it in twice and I didn't cry either time. 

At 12:51 am on the 4th of July, my doctor came and broke my water and then the anesthesiologist came and gave me my epidural (hooray for modern medicine!) ((and I didn't cry during that part either, I did have the shakes though. I always shake uncontrollably during the epidural, which is incredibly stressful since you aren't supposed to move at all when they insert the scary long needle into your SPINE.) 

At that point I tried to sleep for a little bit. Ryan was exhausted so he was asleep on the couch. This delivery my cervix dilated so much faster than either of my other births. So at some time between 2 am and 3 am I was ready to have a baby! My doctor showed up, got everything set up, we woke Ryan up so he could come hold one of my legs and encourage me. At this point I could feel the contractions, I purposely didn't use as much of the epidural because I wanted to be able to feel a little of what was going on, and wow, I can't imagine what it would be like to have a baby without that medicine because it is HARD to breathe when you have a strong contraction. 

When everything was ready I pushed TWICE and Quinn popped out as perfect and sweet as could be at 3:07 am. He was 7 1bs 15 oz and 19.5 inches long. He's been a model baby. He stopped crying as soon as they handed him to me. 

Ryan and I argued about his name the entire pregnancy. Actually almost our whole marriage. I wanted our first boy to be named Carson (after my brother) and he wanted our first boy to be named Jason (after his dad). When Rose was born we argued over her name as well and Ryan won with the choice of Rose and sold me the rights to our first boys name. But then when I found out I was actually having a boy I decided I wanted him to have his own name, and that I would like Carson to be his middle name. So I kept a list in my phone of every boy name I liked (with Carson after it) and Ryan shot all of them down. He suggested the name Grimm. (Which I promptly shot down.) When we arrived at the hospital on Sunday evening I showed him my list and told him he had to pick something off of it. So he asked me which five were my favorites, and then he narrowed it down to two he could tolerate, and then told me he would pick one of them after he was born. 

After he was born we decided on Quinn. And I love it. The nurses all knew we had been arguing about it and they couldn't wait to see what Ryan decided haha. I hope they were satisfied with the result. We had the nicest nurses in the hospital this time around. 

While I delivered my placenta, I asked Ryan (jokingly!) if he wanted to save the placenta to eat later. And he said "Hell no!" but then one of the nurses said "You should save it and grill it up for the 4th of July!" and that had all of us (nurses, doctor stitching me up, and Ryan) laughing. It's one of my favorite moments from the night (after getting to hold sweet baby Quinn in my arms). And then I asked my doctor how long I ACTUALLY had to wait to go swimming in the pool (one of the hardest parts of my pregnancy was knowing I would miss out on a whole 6 weeks of summer swimming, probably one of my very favorite things to do.) and he gave me the amazing news that I technically only have to wait 4 weeks. Whoo! Have I mentioned before that I love my OBGYN? He's delivered all 3 of my babies and I think he is the best doctor around. 

Oh, another funny thing. I told my nurse that I wish I was brave enough to have a natural birth (no epidural) and she said that an epidural is the way to go. At one point in the night she came in and said "You're going to hear some screaming next door, everything is fine, she's just choosing to have a natural birth. Remember, that it doesn't have to be that way." haha Anyway, she was right, there were some screams. But there were no screams from my room. The next day, when we were in the recovery room, Quinn was a model baby who cried maybe 2 times? and our next-door neighbor had a baby who was inconsolable for the whole time I was there. We are convinced that that baby was from the mom who screamed in the room next to us during delivery. (So maybe an epidural is the way to go? haha just kidding. You do you.) 

Quinn's first day earthside the nurses were a little concerned for him because he made some gravelly noises when he breathed. At one point they took him to the nursery for some tests and then kept him for almost 3 hours. I was slightly concerned, but I also had a really nice nap. All of the tests came back negative and the noises went away by the end of his second day, so I guess it's fine. But it was kind of cute to hear him snore that first day. 

I decided to live it up while I was in the hospital and enjoy having food brought to me and being taken care of for the full 2 days this time. My recovery was WAY faster this time than after Rose or Lucy. I felt like I could sit down and stand up and walk without hurting nearly as much as I did in my other recoveries. And when it was time to leave, sitting down in the car was a breeze. When the other two times it felt like the most difficult thing in the world. 

Lucy was born a month after COVID started, so we weren't allowed to have any visitors. But this time my sister, Emily, came to visit and brought a little American flag that I could put next to Quinn and a Starbucks drink for me. Ryan brought Rose and Lucy to come visit Quinn and that went better than I could have imagined. I made sure that Quinn was in his little bassinet before they came in and Ryan had the girls pick out gifts that they could give to Quinn and bought little gifts for them "from Quinn". They were so excited to give him his gift and they were smiling from ear to ear when they met him. They both took turns holding him and they were so excited to see me too. (It was mutual). Ryan was gone most of the second day because he was with the girls. So, I was a little lonely, and it felt so good to squeeze my little girls for a bit before they went back home. 

At night, when Ryan was home with the girls, I watched 90's tv show reruns on the tv and ate snacks and chatted with the nurses who came to check my vitals. It was kind of relaxing, like being on vacation with some additional discomfort. But in the end, I was happy to go back home to be with my whole little family. All 5 of us. 

Those cross eyes! ❤️ So cute!

He wasn't thrilled about these attempted patriotic pictures I took. 😂

But he loved his big sisters from the beginning. And they are obsessed with him. (And they still are 6 months later.) 

Peep the monkey they picked out for him. And the giraffe binky that he has loved the last 6 months that we just lost two nights ago in the parking lot at the mall. RIP little giraffe pinky. :(

Happy to be home. ❤️

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