Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Family Pictures at Utah Lake - September 2022

I took some pictures for a family here at Utah Lake the first week of September and after seeing how lovely those pictures turned out, I decided I wanted pictures of MY family here too. Unfortunately, it's a lot harder to take pictures of your own family. Even with help (which we had in the form of Ryan's sister, Tressa and her husband, Preston) it was kind of chaotic. Also, people who aren't photographers don't pay attention to when the sun goes down and they believe that when the weather app says that the sun will set at a certain time, that it will actually set at that exact time. Instead of taking into account the INFURIATING mountains on the west side of the valley that make estimating sunset times so difficult. (I'm not bitter.) 

... Anyway, we got there with maybe 10 minutes before the sun would go down. So Tressa quickly snapped some photos of my family and then I quickly snapped some pictures of her family, and then I took a few pictures of the girls playing, and then the rest of our pictures were in blue hour instead of golden hour. Still cute, still pretty lighting. But it wasn't exactly what I had in mind. I was convince that we wouldn't have any good pictures because Rose refused to smile for a while and Lucy and Quinn kept looking away, and Ryan and I kept telling the kids to look at the camera. But, somehow we managed to get a few really nice family pictures! 

But next time, I'm going to hire someone to be the photographer so I can take a break and be the person in front of the camera for once. 


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